10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Free applications have become enormously popular thanks to the introduction of different monetization systems that, in most cases, use advertising to generate revenue. However, there are also cases in which these applications offer optional services or products that are paid for, which allows them to dispense, in whole or in part, with advertising.

The fact remains that the popularization of free applications has had a positive impact both quantitatively and qualitativelyin other words, today we can find many applications of this type, and they are also of higher quality. Quality is fundamental for them to be competitive, but the user experience they offer is also key for them to become more interesting and attractive options for the consumer compared to their direct rivals.

It’s very easy to understand. Imagine you hesitate between two file decompression applications, both offering a simple and easy-to-use interface, but one of them has a less invasive advertising model which makes the experience more comfortable. Obviously you will end up opting for the latter, as long as both have the same level of quality.

Having many free applications to choose from is a very positive thing, there is no doubt about that, but at the same time this has a negative side, and that is that it makes it quite complicated to differentiate those that are really worthwhile from those that are not. To help you in this arduous task we wanted to give shape to this article where we select 10 free applications that are essential in any Windows-based PC.

Before we begin, I invite you to leave us in the comments below other recommendations of free applications that seem interesting to you. This way we extend the value of this article, and you can share with each other other other tools that may end up making your life a little easier. That said, let’s get started.

Ten free applications for Windows that you should not miss out on

1.-File compression and decompression: 7-Zip

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

This is quite a veteran that, frankly, needs no introduction. It is true that Windows can natively work with certain types of compressed files, but it does so at a basic leveland this means that in the end it is essential to have a tool capable of decompressing in different formats.

7-Zip is one of the best free applications for Windows because it fulfills that function, that is, it can compress and decompress using a large number of formats, it is very light and easy to use and it is not intrusive at allwhich means that we can use it without having to deal with unwanted advertising or any kind of annoyance. Its interface can be improved, but it is intuitive, so we can�t say anything bad about it.

Download 7-Zip for free.

2.-Streaming music: Spotify

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

This is undoubtedly the best application to play free music streaming. It has a very neat interface, offers a huge variety of music styles and songsand also covers different eras, which makes it an interesting option for both younger users and those of us who are already gray-haired.

For monetization uses advertising, and it is true that this can be a little annoying at times, but taking into account all the music that puts our device, the little space it occupies (about 200 MB) and how easy and intuitive it is impossible to deny that it is one of the best free applications available in its class. Some may tell me that Youtube is a good alternative, but in the end it also uses advertising and can display ads several minutes long. If we can’t skip them because we are doing something else we will be “condemned” to listen to them.

Download Spotify for free.

3.-PDF file editing: PDFescape

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Working with PDF files can be a bit tricky, especially if we have to perform editing tasks, as these usually require the use of premium versions of applications that in their free model only allow you to view text and, at best, sign documents. Fortunately, with PDFescape we have this problem solved.

There is two versions of this applicationthe online version, which allows us to edit PDF files weighing up to 10 MB and less than 100 pages, and the Windows application, which in its free version offers numerous functions, including the creation of PDF files from more than 300 file types, printing and viewing.

Use the online version for free, or if you prefer download the free application.

4.-Culture and learning: Wikipedia

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Wikipedia has become the most popular and widely used encyclopedia in the world, and has been a fundamental tool in achieving the democratization of access to culture and knowledge. The dream of having an almost infinite source of knowledge, instantly and freely accessible to anyone in the world, regardless of their social position or economic level, was fulfilled thanks to Wikipedia.

We can use it in its online version, but also through the dedicated application, which is completely free and open source, does not use advertising and makes available to us more than 40 million articles in more than 300 languages. I think with these credentials it is easy to understand why it is one of the best free applications of its kind.

We can download it directly through the Microsoft Store.

5.-Games and Entertainment: Steam

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

More than one may have been surprised to see Steam on this list of best free apps, but the truth is that it deserves to be here. This application is much more than a game store in digital format, with it we will have access to a huge community of PC gamers, and also we will be able to download and enjoy many free games.

To all of the above we must add, in addition, the guarantees and the security offered by Steamand the promotions held periodically. Thanks to them we will be able to get games that are normally paid for completely free, and with the peace of mind that we will never encounter unwanted advertising or invasive actions.

You can download Steam for free through this link.

6.-Remote computer management and use: TeamViewer

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Managing and using computers remotely has become a a very popular solution to get out of the way in many situations. Thanks to this type of tool we can access those contents or files that we have forgotten to take with us, and we can also help family and friends who have problems with their equipment even if we cannot be present in person.

TeamViewer is one of the most veteran applications within the management and use of computers remotely, and remains one of the best because it is free, it is very easy to use, has a high degree of maturity and it does not matter the operating system of the computer to which we want to connect remotely, i.e. it can be based on macOS or Linux. Note, however, that TeamViewer is only free for personal use.

Download TeamViewer for free.

7.-Web browsing and Internet: Chrome

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

I understand that everyone has their own favorite browser, and therefore some of you will probably disagree with this choice, but what is undeniable is that, in the end, Chrome is one of the best free applications in its category. This browser is very fastit has a very simple and intuitive interface, allows you to install a large number of extensions and has a wide range of advanced features that will make your life easier.

It is not perfect, I am also aware of this, not in vain I have been using it for many years. Its consumption of resources (RAM above all) is high, but it makes up for it by offering excellent performance and a high level of features.

You can download Chrome for free through its official website.

8.-Ophematics and work: LibreOffice

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Microsoft Office is one of the most widely used office solutions internationally, but to enjoy its full potential we have no choice but to go through the cash register. If we can not, or do not want, spend money on a tool of this type nothing happens, because thanks to LibreOffice can enjoy a very complete office ecosystem without spending a cent.

LibreOffice has an excellent maturity, it is stable and compatible with most files and formats that are used in Microsoft Office, and features a wide variety of toolss that will allow us to edit texts, work with spreadsheets, create presentations and much more. It is also important to note that its requirements are very low, which means that we can use this suite on computers with few resources without any problem.

Free download LibreOffice.

9.-Cloud storage: Google Drive

10 must-have free apps for any Windows-based PC

Cloud storage has become a very popular solution for backups that are totally immune to problems at the local level. So, for example, if we back up to the second storage unit of our PC we may be spared a failure on the first unit, but we are still at significant risk if a general failure occurs that affects both.

Backing up to the cloud completely frees us from this problem, and thanks to Google Drive we can access one of the best platforms out there, both in terms of performance and in terms of functions and features. Just download the application and start using it we will be able to enjoy a total of 15 GB of free storageenough to save those photos that matter so much to us.

We can download Google Drive for free through this link.

10.-Image editing: Paint.NET

10 must-have free applications for any Windows-based PC

Editing images can be a bit tricky, especially if we are just starting out and don’t have the slightest idea of what we are doing. Luckily, there are free applications that offer a simple and intuitive interface and allow us to perform basic editing tasks in a matter of seconds even if we are inexperienced.

In this sense, Paint.NET is one of the best tools of its kind, since it greatly surpasses the classic Paint that comes with Windows, but at the same time it is not overloading, that is, it does not overwhelm the user with a huge amount of confusing and useless options. If you are looking for something superior, GIMP should be your choice, as it is one of the best free open source applications out there.

Get Paint.NET for free by clicking here.

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