10 Reasons to move to the United States if you are Mexican

We all know the American dream! Time has revealed to us that it is possible to fulfill our dreams in any part of the world but there is a unique predilection for making all those desires in the country of the north. If you are thinking of legally migrating to an interesting country, we have this article for you that will make you think of the most common destination with the best reasons that you had not heard before

There are many compatriots

Mexicans in the United States make up 60% of Latinos in the country, which makes them a very strong community. You can find a lot of support since there are multiple advisory organizations for Mexicans in the United States. In addition there are many fraternities and groups of Mexicans who meet regularly.

There is a lot of work

If you are a pre-professional and want to expand to various areas in this country there are plenty of opportunities, from being an actor to an accountant. No matter the area in which you work, there will always be a place for you.

You will improve English

Surely you saw some of the language in high school or maybe you think you know enough to continue developing professionally. The truth is that living in the United States you will discover new words, new accents and your English will improve considerably.

There are no limits

It is common that in Mexico all citizens have only one job, in the United States people often have several jobs to meet all their needs which implies new income for your family and personal development.

Global connections

The United States is a multicultural country, people from all over the world live. It is a place where you can make connections with many different people, it is excellent for creating new personal and work contacts.

Religious freedom

There are hundreds of religions, much tolerance for which faith and you will not be judged for it. This is a country with a lot of development that leaves its inhabitants the ability to choose in their various spiritual manifestations.

Gay Friendly Environment

It is a country that in recent years has opened the doors to people of the LGBT collective, sex discrimination is a crime and the adoption of homosexual couples as well as marriage is allowed.

Tasty mexican food

There are tacos and good chilaquiles in the USA! The Mexican food stalls are good as in Mexico, tourists are always attracted to Mexican spicy and you will feel at home. There are thousands of options.

Freedom to choose

The United States is a diverse country in many ways, there are many ways of life and every citizen creates their own. If you want to become vegan it is possible, if you want to eat meat daily too. There are a variety of products and you can adopt the lifestyle you have always wanted for easy access to build your new habits.

Growth opportunity

This country allows you to grow in any area, it is a place where you can climb with great effort and dedication.

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