10 websites to download free e-books

Getting free eBooks is possible as long as you know where to look and there are so many that you will need to live many lifetimes to be able to read them. They are a perfect complement to the official stores like Amazon’s Kindle eBooks where you can find almost any title you are looking for and at a very good price.

But if we talk about total free there are legal portals that have a little bit of everything and with some alternative books that are out of the commercial circle. If you want to enjoy the pleasure of reading on your reader (mobile or tablet) have at hand the ones selected in makeuseof.

10 sites to download free e-books


Undoubtedly one of the best digital libraries where to get material for free and not only those in the public domain, but also recently released mainstream titles. However, there’s a catch: you’ll need a valid and active public library card or be a student to gain access. Overdrive works with more than 30,000 public libraries in over 40 different countries around the world. In addition to ebooks, you can also listen to audiobooks for free.

free e-books

Library Genesis

A search engine for free reading material, including e-books, articles, magazines, comics and more. It currently indexes nearly three million e-books and 60 million articles. You wouldn’t have the life to consume everything offered here. It covers both fiction and non-fiction and different genres and types. The user interface is nothing short of terrible and its legality has been called into question as it has allegedly linked to pirated copies. But the website remains active and indexes an overwhelming amount of material.

Project Gutenberg

Another one of the best is attractive from the very name of a project sustained by volunteers and fundraisers as a portion of their income goes to the charitable effort. Taims to collect and provide as many high-quality, free e-books as possible. Most of their library consists of public domain titles, but they also have other things if you browse the site by category, popularity, or latest additions. They are available for download in EPUB and MOBI format and can be read online in HTML format.


A nifty little site that has been around for over a decade. Much of its collection was seeded by Project Gutenberg in the mid-2000s. Since then, however, it has acquired an identity of its own with the addition of thousands of self-published works available free of charge. In this way it provides a library of free and discounted fiction e-books for people to download and enjoy. Downloads are available in dozens of formats, including EPUB, MOBI and PDF, and it has a built-in rating system.

Open Library

Open Library offers a directory that makes it easy to search all the free e-books that are available in the large digital library The Internet Archive. The number of titles available has already reached a colossal 1.5 million items. The site is open source and anyone can edit the information available for each book and has scrollable categories to improve searches.


Another good collection of downloadable e-books of fiction and non-fiction. It offers many copyrighted, paid titles, but also free ones that you can find in the public domain category. Most are available in EPUB, MOBI and PDF format. They even come with word counts and reading time estimates, if you want to know. There are also some free original books, unordered, but you can find them in the different categories.


EPUB and MOBI are specialized media specially designed for e-book reading, but PDF is also used and for a good reason: universal support for all platforms and devices. If you use it this is your site. While the collection is “small” compared to the above, with only a few thousand titles, they are all free and guaranteed to be optimized for PDF. And they can be read online which makes them ideal for citations or academic projects.


Another site where to find thousands of free e-books included in six different categories. Note that in order to download for free you will have to register. The account is free, but you can only download up to five free titles each month. Although there is a little bit of everything on the sites in this article, most of them are in English. The good thing about this site is that they are available in dozens of other languages.

International Children’s Digital Library

If you have been able, along with their teachers, to instill in your little ones the joy of reading, this is your site to check out. Books are available in a variety of lengths and reading difficulty levels. You can even search by criteria that may stimulate them. Each book is listed in a specific category for easy searching. It seems small, but there are great titles available and also in a variety of languages, albeit, like the rest, with the majority in English.

Centsless Books

A very different site from the previous ones as it is an aggregator of free Kindle books that are available on Amazon. Its purpose is merely that, to make it easier to keep track of all the free ebooks available from the e-commerce giant. Keep in mind that some of the e-books listed are only free for users subscribed to the Kindle Unlimited service.

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