5 new features of Google Docs that you may not have known about

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With a progressive evolution that has transformed Google Docs into a powerful document creation and editing tooland integrated into Google Workspace, a more than capable online productivity suite (with options for offline use), during this same year 2022 some new features have been incorporated to help facilitate tasks that may have gone unnoticed.

Google Docs is part of the Workspace office suite, which can be used online but also has options for offline use

That is why we are going to explain five of the most useful and perhaps not too well known but that undoubtedly speed up the work with documents,

-Reactions with emojis: When words are insufficient (or you do not want to add an emotional contextualization too neat … or laziness prevents you from typing more) it is time to use an emoji, and now Google Docs allows you to respond texts using emojis instead of text. To do so, just select with the cursor the word, phrase or paragraph to which you want to respond, click on the emoji icon on the right side and select one of the emojis displayed.

-Format without page break: Sometimes it is a nuisance to jump from one page to another when writing a text, usually when a document includes graphics or tables that may be cut off when turning to the next page. Fortunately Google Docs has a method that prevents this break in the continuity of the jump to the next page so that the entire contents of the document is displayed continuously. To achieve this, follow the path “File – Page Setup – No pages” and click “OK” to confirm the formatting change.

-Templates for tables: Through the “Insert – Table – Table Templates” path, different options are available to facilitate the always cumbersome task of starting from scratch in the design of a table. Although there are not too many options available (product planning, revision tracking, project resources and startup content tracking), at least it provides a starting point from which to develop more customized tables tailored to the user’s needs.

-Drop-down menu: It is one of the most useful tools that can be included in some documents in order to offer several options without turning the document into a chaos. From answering a question or selecting the status of a project or choosing a destination… your imagination and needs are the limit. Through the “Insert – Drop-down menu” path, one of these menus can be placed anywhere in the text or even within a table. Different options can be included as well as colors for each of them.

-Schemes: They are one of the simplest ways to show the most important parts of a document. It is activated through the path “View – Show outline”, and can be left on or off. A bar will appear on the left side of Google Docs showing the different sections of the text. The lines that appear can be edited so that the content of this bar fits the outline that summarizes the document.

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