A plague of bedbugs invades Paris

A bed bug infestation became a problem in Paris. The invasion of these insects reached levels that had not been reported since before World War II. Such is their magnitude, that the newspaper Le Parisien in an article calls them “the vampires under the sheets.” The small parasites travel incognito in suitcases, on clothing, adhere to furniture and hide in armchairs, sofas and mattresses. When everyone is sleeping, bed bugs feed on human blood.

plague of bugs

Bedbugs invaded Paris

The situation is so worrying that it overshadowed the city’s fashion week. Even the mayor of Paris referred to the situation “no one is safe, you can pick them up in the streets and take them home, without detecting them until they spread everywhere.”

They are what we commonly call “bed bugs,” which are the size of an apple seed. To detect if there are bed bugs in the beds, you can check the sheets, if we notice tiny brown stains, they exist. As bed bugs feed on our blood, they defecate leaving those tiny brown spots. Although it sounds scary, it is the best way to know if we have an invasion in our home.

Alarm bells went off when people who usually go to the movies detected bedbugs in the seats. Then, the seats on the subway and trains were invaded by bedbugs. The infection reached such proportions that some schools suspended classes. It is a concern that grows, thinking that the Paris Olympic Games in 2024 are approaching.

What is the cause of this bed bug infestation?

Although the scientific community has not yet provided a definitive answer as to the reasons for the resurgence of bed bug infestations, a plausible explanation has been proposed. Until the 1960s, DDT, known as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, was used to eradicate bed bugs, as well as to control other insect pests.

DDT is a chemical compound that adheres to surfaces and remains in ecosystems for a long period of time. Over time, this compound is gradually disappearing from ecosystems, allowing them to re-emerge.

The problem is that DDT also accumulates in living beings, which is why its use was banned in the 1960s. DDT can be active for about 40 years. When that period expired, the pests it controlled reappeared.

Can it be extended throughout Europe?

The biggest problem is that not only Paris and much of France endure this invasion. It is also happening in Spain, which already suffered consequences from these parasites in the past until the mid-20th century.

Bedbug infestation worries in Paris

It has a lot to do with the fact that these small insects can be transported from one place to another in a matter of 24 hours. Currently, the globalized world can spread pests in a very short time, such as mosquitoes, fleas, ticks or bed bugs. Cargo transportation is one of the means.

Although the bed bug infestation is difficult to eliminate, there is peace of mind that they do not transmit any disease. The advice is to wash sheets and bedding with very hot water, as bedbugs cannot tolerate extreme heat or cold. To remove them from the edges of mattresses, where they usually lodge, it is recommended to use steam.

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