Buying guide: what to consider when buying a drone

Not all drones are the same. There is a wide variety of devices on the market, each with different specifications, designed for different purposes. For example, there are those that are capable of reaching a higher altitude when flying, others have more propellers to be faster, there are those that have all types of cameras to take photos and videos, etc.

Depending on the purpose for which you want to have a drone, you will have to evaluate its characteristics to invest the money in the right device. In this article you will find a purchasing guide that will allow you to recognize what type of drone you need and what you should look for when choosing the best model that suits your interests.

Things to consider when buying a drone

There are some vital aspects and specifications that you need to know before purchasing a drone, as you will learn throughout this text:

Drone type

Not all drones are the same, each piece of equipment is designed for a different use and offers certain characteristics. These are the main types of drones that you will find on the market:

-RTF Drone: They are the best option for newbies because they are simple drones that are ready to fly. All you need to do is make some simple assemblies to take flight in a matter of a few minutes. These drones are convenient because you will not have to carry out complex assembly.

-BNF Drone: The acronym BNF stands for “bind and fly” and they are drones that do not have a transmitter (you will have to purchase it separately). This device is designed for advanced users, since assemblies and adaptations will have to be carried out to take flight correctly.

-PNP Drone: A PNP drone is a “plug and play” device that refers to a practical and quick-to-use device. However, this is not usually the case because, when you buy a PNP drone, you will only receive the drone and you will have to purchase the transmitter, receiver, batteries and a charger separately, so you will only be paying for the drone.

This drone is designed for people who already have other drones and do not require any type of accessory or controller. Thanks to this, the price of the drone will be cheaper, but you will have to assemble the device yourself.

-ARF Drone: It is an “almost ready to fly” device designed for advanced users because the drone requires manual assembly of various parts, which will be complicated for people who are taking their first steps in this world. .

This type of drone, designed for speed competitions, offers a high degree of customization. The user will be able to change or modify the part they want to obtain better performance, such as reaching greater height or more acceleration.

Construction material

A crucial point that you cannot overlook, since this will determine the useful life of the drone, is the material with which it is built. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on the equipment, you can opt for a drone made of durable plastic so that small bumps are not a problem. Ideally, it should be ABS plastic, which is extremely robust.

On the other hand, if you want a drone that is resistant to shocks and the passage of time, you can purchase equipment made of fiberglass or carbon, both materials are light and strong, so the drone will remain like new throughout the life. the years.

Finally, we recommend not buying drones made of aluminum, since this material does not resist shocks well and even tends to rust when the device gets wet or if it is stored in a humid space.

Actual drone range

If it is a cheap drone and you just want to fly for fun, keeping the device close to you, make sure it has at least a range of 30 meters without losing contact with the transmitter.

Now, if you want the drone to take photos and videos, it is best to purchase a device that has the ability to travel several kilometers without suffering signal interruptions. Thanks to this, the drone will access remote places that will allow you to get a great shot.

Flight time

The battery of drones is limited, for this reason, you must evaluate how much autonomy it is capable of offering while flying. Ideally, the drone has the capacity to fly within 20 – 30 minutes so that you can have fun or meet any goal you have set for yourself without any setbacks.

Be careful with extremely cheap drones, since many of them have a flight time that does not exceed five minutes, which will become a headache because the flight time of the device will be excessively limited.

On the other hand, it is advisable that you have several additional batteries regardless of the flight time of the drone. So, when the drone runs out of power, just replace the battery quickly to take flight immediately.


A good camera will guarantee quality photos and videos, allowing you to enjoy a better user experience when using the drone. There are several key aspects, the first of which is the sensor, at least it is recommended that it be one inch so that images in low light have a good level of detail.

As for resolution, the camera must have at least 12 megapixels so that the photos are sharp and have good color reproduction. For its part, when it comes to video recording, a Full HD resolution will help you upload content to social networks, but if you want more professional results, opt for a 4K resolution.

Note that you must also consider the number of frames per second that the camera is capable of reproducing, since this will determine the fluidity of the video. It is recommended that the camera records at a speed of 24 – 30 FPS so that the videos do not have slowdowns.

GPS Navigation

This is a crucial specification because the built-in GPS will allow the drone to return to where you are automatically and safely, so you won’t have to do this manually. Additionally, depending on the drone model you purchase, you can program various routes so that the drone can navigate on its own.

Another notable point about GPS is that it will record the starting point and return to it on its own if there are any interference problems caused by buildings, trees, mountains, radio signals and more. This is useful in emergency situations, where the signal from the drone to the controller transmitter suffers constant cuts.

Flight guidelines

Finally, before purchasing the drone, you should know what conditions apply to flying the equipment in the region of Spain in which you are located. You will have to know the laws to avoid receiving a fine for committing a crime (the fine can be up to 90,000 euros).

For example, as a general law in Spain, it is not allowed to fly drones at more than 120 meters high, nor should you fly near airports, military installations, urbanized areas or places where there are a large number of people.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you know in advance the areas where you can fly a drone and whether these adapt to the type of equipment you have purchased, since the laws may change depending on the size of the drone and its flight capacity.

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