Career opportunities FP Multiplatform Application Development

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In the last decade the IT sector has experienced a significant increase in terms of the demand for professionals.. More and more companies are requiring the services of microcomputer systems and network technicians. And everything indicates that this trend will continue over time.

Undoubtedly, we are facing one of the professions with the brightest futureespecially because of the ease of access to the labor market. Hence, it is essential to train and acquire the necessary knowledge. The FP higher degree in Multiplatform Applications Development is presented as the most convenient alternative and in the most competitive market. professional training centers such as Titulae you will have all the facilities to study at a distance, adapting at all times to your needs.

You will be able to organize your study schedules according to your needs, and this is possible thanks to the flexibility of the classes, which are offered both in the mornings and afternoons.. There is the possibility to follow them live or a few hours later if your obligations have not allowed you to do so.

What job opportunities does this FP degree offer me?

Once you finish your studies of FP superior in Multiplatform Applications Development you will have many possibilities to find a job. The professional will have sufficient knowledge to perform the following jobs:

Computer application development for enterprise and business management.
-Development of applications in the Entertainment and mobile computing sector..
-Expert in Big Data.
Custom component developer.
-Information and information manager. data stored in ERP-CRM systems..
-Manage databases and configuration of computer systems.

The areas in which this type of work is most in demand are the. Telecommunications, the Information and Communication Technologies sector or Marketing.. The employment rate of these studies reaches 85%, according to the latest Survey of educational transition-training labor market insertion of the INE.

You may also open the doors of the university to access the Computer Engineering Degree in some faculties.

What functions will I be able to perform with what I have learned?

During the two years that the higher cycle of Multiplatform Applications Development lasts, you will acquire a series of skills to design and execute the programming of the applications and test the tools.. Among the tasks that can be done with the acquired knowledge are:

Manage databasesinterpreting their design and checking data integrity, security and accessibility.
-Configuration and operation of computer systems.
-Develop techniques and procedures associated with the. security in systems and applications..
-To implement development environments by adapting their configuration to favor the. app development.
Interactive graphical user content integration and with precise usability.
Develop cross-platform applications with access to databases using precise languages and tools.
-Develop applications for mobile devices.
-Participate in the implementation of ERP-CRM systems.

What requirements are necessary to study the FP Degree in Multiplatform Applications Development.

For to enroll in a higher degree course such as Multiplatform Application Development a series of requirements are needed. Among them are:

-Bachelor’s degree.
-Having a higher or intermediate degree.
-Having passed the entrance exam to Higher Grade.
-Having passed the university entrance exam for those over 25 years of age.
-Having the COU, FPII or an official degree equivalent or superior to the above.

The duration of this official FP is two years.distributed in four semesters with a total of 2,000 hours. Once the studies are completed, the student will obtain the title of Higher Technician in Development of Multiplatform Applications, issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

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