Video calls allow us to maintain a much more direct contact with our friends and loved ones, combining image and sound. However, their popularization is recent and some beginner mistakes are still made when trying to establish communications. It is not enough to use the best apps to make video calls, but it is also necessary to know how to avoid the most common mistakes, and some ideas to solve them.
Take advantage of video calls to make business meetings or remote meetings with friends and family.
While errors are often unintentionalSometimes it is possible to prevent them by taking certain precautions and performing previous checks. Take note of these recommendations and you will be able to achieve greater stability and quality in your video calls, saving you disconnections, annoying noises and bad profiles with a little attention.
-Pay attention to the effects of each platform. When you make a video call on an unfamiliar platform, you may end up turning into a potato or putting on a chroma key of clouds and beach unintentionally. So before you make a video call, make sure you know how to turn certain special effects on and off. You’ll save yourself a headache or an embarrassing situation.
-Check your Internet connection. The data and connectivity consumption of a video call is high compared to a traditional call. Therefore, it is always advisable to test how our connection works before simply making the call. If we make the call and our connection is of poor quality, the image will not load well, the sound may not come out or we may see our interlocutors with a delay. Here you can check the quality of your Internet connection.
-Do not point the camera at your chin. It is essential, so as not to give away your lack of knowledge of new technologies, that in video calls you do not point the camera at your chin. The best way to make video calls and avoid mistakes is to point the camera in front of your face and show a little of your torso.
-Do not appear in your pajamas. Another common mistake is neglecting your overall appearance, from unplanned interruptions from children or family members walking by in the back, to showing up for a video call in your pajamas. Try to avoid this, especially on work calls, because it looks really bad.
-Don’t make video calls in the kitchen or living room. Related to the previous point, and with a professional presentation, it is not recommended to make video calls in transit spaces.
While working from home is comfortable, among the most repeated mistakes are interruptions from making the video call in the kitchen or living room. Look for a remote room or if you can have your own studio, even better.