Comparison between Google Ads and Meta Ads

Differences between Google Ads and Meta Ads

Google Ads and Meta Ads are two online advertising platforms widely used by digital marketers around the world. Both offer great advantages such as the ease of creating campaigns, the possibility of creating advertising at a very affordable price and the huge audience that both tools reach.

The differences between Google Ads and Meta Ads at the level of analytics or creative management make them ideal for different objectives.

Although the two have many similar features and capabilities, they also have some differences. That’s why it’s important to know them so you can choose between one of the two when necessary.

Differences between Google Ads and Meta Ads

-Campaign objectives: In both platforms when creating a campaign we must select what will be its objective. In Meta Ads the objective will mark the type of campaign that we will carry out, while in Google Ads it is optional and not too recommended, since it limits the configuration options of the campaigns.

-Audiences: Now that Google Ads has removed the “similar audiences” option, creating an audience to target is much easier on Meta Ads. This platform still makes it easy to create an audience based on data from another page whose users have similar behavior to our target audience.

-Creativity: In terms of ad creativity, Meta Ads is much more limited, offering only title, description, text and images or video. Although it allows to have several texts or images, the variations are minimal. Google Ads, on the other hand, is able to combine the different parts of an ad randomly. In fact, it allows the user to enter up to 15 variations of the title and 4 different descriptions, which facilitates the creation of thousands of different combinations.

-Platforms and positioning: A common mistake with Google Ads is to think that ads are only shown in the search engine and Google platforms (Gmail, YouTube, etc.). The truth is that ads also appear on millions of websites that are part of the Google Display Network (Google Adsense).

For its part, Meta has Meta Audience Network that works in a similar way. In both cases, it is important to select on which platforms and in which position the ads will be shown. The main difference is that Meta Ads display a link to the advertiser’s profile or website. This allows users to interact with the ad content or visit the ad profile, something that Google does not yet allow.

Other things to consider.

-Budget: Budgets are configured at different levels. In Google Ads they are configured at campaign level, while in Meta Ads they can be configured at ad level and allows sharing the same budget for a group of ads, something that is not possible with Google’s tool.

Moreover, the two platforms use budget differently. Google Ads uses a “monthly budget”, while Meta Ads uses a weekly budget, i.e. it will not exceed the daily budget more than 7 times a week.

-Analytics: Meta Ads offers less transparency when it comes to analyzing the results of a campaign. For example, if we have added several audiences to a single ad, we cannot know how each of them has performed. In contrast, Google Ads offers much more granular information, differentiating each audience, each keyword or each space within an ad group.

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