DALL-E, the image-generating artificial intelligence, already edits human faces

Facial recognition reverse search

The development of artificial intelligence has allowed different tools capable of generating images from descriptions made in natural text to proliferate in recent months. One of the most popular is DALL-E, which now has just acquired a new ability by being able to edit human faces.

Image-generating AIs only need the user to describe with natural text what they want to be represented

This was one of the limitations up to this point, so that when an image was generated following the instructions dictated by the user using natural language, the appearance of human faces was out of tune with the quality achieved in the representation of the rest of the objects or landscapes.

OpenAI, the developers of DALL-E, have explained that this was a voluntary limitation due to fears of a possible misuse of this technology, but they have managed to activate filters capable of generating images of human faces while avoiding images with “sexual, political or violent” contentalso avoiding the risk of using them in deep fakes.

From now on, users will be able to take advantage of this new DALL-E capability in different ways. The more than one million registered DALL-E users will be able to upload a photo of someone and generate variants or edit specific elements (clothing, hairstyle…).

In any case the terms of use that OpenAI has established for its image-generating artificial intelligence DALL-E include the prohibition of uploading images of people who have not given their consentthis reduces the possible misuse of this technology or, at least, in case of misuse, the permission granted to the user to access the platform can be blocked.

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