Recent discoveries have revealed a dangerous increase in solar activity, bringing forth grave concerns amongst the scientific community as to the implications of this unexpected development. The consequences such a surge can have on the environment and the atmosphere are of great concern, and require further research and monitoring.
The Sun’s activity rises and falls following a certain 11-year cycle rhythm. During the years 2023 and 2024, it will reach its maximum. This was stated by the chief researcher of the Space Research Institute, Sergey Bogachev. The dangerous increase in solar activity could harm human health.
“Every eleven years, the Sun enters a state of high activity. Lots of flares, lots of magnetic storms. It’s a fairly stable cycle and easy to predict. The previous maximum was in 2012-2013, so 2023-2024 should be peak solar activity years. Rather, even 2024, according to current forecasts.”

Ultraviolet light
During periods of high solar activity, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation increases. People with sensitive skin should take extra precautions to protect themselves, the physicist continued.
“The atmosphere largely dampens the Sun’s radiation. Only a very narrow portion of the spectrum penetrates here, particularly the ultraviolet that causes tanning. During peak activity, ultraviolet levels do not increase much. Tens of percent is the maximum estimate, most of the time it is lower. However, everyone’s skin sensitivity is different. You have to take precautions,” warns the scientist.
In addition, the increase in the number of magnetic storms and solar flares brings other problems. It affects negatively on the well-being of people who react to these phenomena, he points out.

Deterioration of health
“These people also need to be more careful about their health when solar activity peaks. It is not a drastic impact. But some deterioration of health is possible,” Bogachev clarifies.
In his words, the peak of solar activity, predicted for 2023-2024, will not be too high. “Most scientists predict that the peak in 2023-2024 will be quite a bit lower than the historical average,” he stressed. The cyclical increase in the Sun’s activity is a norm, not an anomaly, the physicist concludes. The dangerous increase in solar activity, however, must be closely watched by science.