Space news is always exciting. And even more so if they inform us of missions to the red planet. A mission to Mars and another one to the Moon are contemplated by the U.S. Government. And with this it intends to take the lead in the space race. Therefore, there is already a date to travel to Mars.

Millionaire budget
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will have a monumental budget. It is $25.9 billion to carry out its upcoming work in space. That’s what it says in an office presented by Joe Biden’s Administration.
There are many ambitious plans on the part of the U.S. space agency. Among them is the mission to take humans to Mars in 2040.
“We’re going to learn to live and work in a hostile environment. Then we’ll get to Mars in the late 2030s,” said Bill Nelson, NASA administrator.
The budget for fiscal year 2023 grants $7.6 billion for deep space exploration. It will be through the Artemis program missions (in which Mexico also collaborates). With these, NASA will take the first woman and the first African-American person to the Moon. It will also test technologies that will prepare humanity for the exploration of Mars.

Date near
“It’s a sign of support for our missions in a new era of exploration and discovery,” said Bill Nelson. He gave details in a virtual conference. And he insisted that it will be in 2040 when man will finally be able to set foot on the red planet. If all goes according to plan, there is already a date to travel to Mars.
Commercial activity in space is also contemplated. A total of $1.4 billion will be earmarked for space technology research and development. The goal? To foster new technologies to help the U.S. commercial space industry. And in the process, generate more and better-paying jobs.