The Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales, together with the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Spain, are developing a streaming content platform to be launched in 2024 with the aim of make available to viewers, free of charge, the catalog of state-owned productions that the Filmoteca Española has at its disposal.
The streaming platform will show the film collection of the Filmoteca Española for free.
In addition to the cultural diffusion itself, one of the purposes of this streaming platform will be the international promotion of Spanish cinema through this public, free and non-commercial streaming platform. The initial budget is 2.9 million euros and although some additional functions may be added later on, the purpose is to that the contents will be accessible at the beginning of 2024.
An accessible platform will be developed, with all movies free of charge, from web browsers, mobile applications and smart TVs. It will have systems capable of allowing its use by people with hearing and visual disabilities through audio description or voice searches and, in addition to a content search engine, it will allow the broadcasting of live content.
Some of the contents will be part of the so-called Heritage Catalog available in open access and without the need to register on the free platform. It includes contents such as silent films, Civil War archives, No-Do funds and works from the Escuela Oficial de Cine (Official Film School). These funds can be used by users in non-profit projects.
Another catalog will be especially focused on the “audio-visual literacy”with restricted access focused on teachers, students and institutions, serving for cultural and educational programs, with the presence of didactic guides and holding interactive workshops. As for the audiovisual collections for which the ICAA has exhibition rights, there will be, depending on the agreements reached, some contents free of charge, and others with a free access to the ICAA’s audiovisual collections others on a pay-per-view basis.
With this platform, the possibilities of accessing audiovisual content legally and free of charge will be expanded, adding, together with the RTVE Play platform, to the enhancement of the value of content of public origin and heritage.