Fishing traps before the Mayans

A group of archaeologists from the University of New Hampshire in the USA found them. They discovered traces of an extensive network of fishing traps created by ancient Mesoamericans in Belize. Scientists claim that the canals helped the ancient inhabitants of the region feed their population, laying the foundations for later cultures. They are fishing traps that predate the Mayans, so they are several thousand years old.

They had the help of drones and the Google Earth mapping service. Archaeologists discovered the largest inland swamp in Belize at the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary. It is a network of canals made of 4,000-year-old earth. The results were published in the journal Science Advances.


Skilled fishermen

‘Aerial imagery was crucial in identifying this really distinctive pattern of zigzag-shaped linear channels. “These travel several kilometers through wetlands.” This is indicated by study co-author Eleanor Harrison-Buck of the University of New Hampshire.

Former fishing canals, combined with retention ponds, were used to channel and capture freshwater species such as catfish. Barbed spearheads, found nearby, could be tied to sticks and used for fishing. This is underlined by study co-author Marieka Brouwer Burg, from the University of Vermont.

«These tools offer us a unique window into the livelihood strategies of these communities. “They depended on fishing to diversify their diet and sustain a growing population,” he adds.

The Mayans were excellent fishermen.
The Mayans were excellent fishermen.

long date

Fishing traps before the Mayans had a long period of use. The study suggests that this canal network was used for approximately 1,000 years. The period coincides with the transition from semi-nomadic communities to permanent agricultural settlements. It was the prelude to the emergence of the Mayan culture.

The canals date back to a time before the Mayans. Researchers highlight their importance as precursors of the most advanced hydraulic systems developed by that civilization. The technologies used to manage water resources laid the foundations for subsequent advances in agriculture, infrastructure and urban planning.

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