Forocoches changes its design and adds “dark mode”

new design Forocoches

Forocoches is the most popular forum in Spanish, with more than 450,000 daily users, and for the first time since it began operating almost 20 years agohas modified its appearance in the mobile versionthe new design update, among other things, has added the much-demanded dark mode, which is becoming more and more common in several apps and platforms.

The new look of Forocoches also incorporates the dark mode that facilitates night viewing

But this change is not only an aesthetic modification since underneath it underlies a profound renovation of the server architecture responsible for Forocoches to remain a meeting point that comes to bring together no less than 5,000 simultaneous users even at off-peak times.

The new design also incorporates new features, as is the case of the side menu or that some functions can also be activated from the mobile app, without having to access them only from the desktop version. It is a design that completely reformulates the interface, bringing a touch of modernity and adding attractiveness, an update that improves navigation through the forum.

This ease of use is embodied in improvements such as the side menu, which facilitates access to the pages that the user visits most frequentlyand another innovative addition, the dark modea feature that has gradually been incorporated into most applications and platforms. This is a highly recommended option for low-light environments to reduce visual fatigue caused by contemplating a screen with a light background and high light output in the middle of a dark environment.

In addition, with the redesign, Forocoches has improved navigation within threads, reorganizing and making actions clearer, providing shortcuts to return to the subforum. The way of displaying multiple quote has also been updated for more clarity.

As indicated from Forocoches itself, this new design better be to the liking of users, because it is about a design that will last another 20 years, shurs. However in Forocoches they have been foresighted and have kept the option, for the most nostalgic users or less prone to change, to continue using the classic interface.

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