It is written in Greek, not Hebrew and Aramaic as usual. Israeli archaeologists found it. The recently found fragments of the Dead Sea manuscript have a special feature: it is the first such find in 60 years. It contains parts of the book of the 12 minor prophets, including Zechariah and Nahum. It is reported by the Israel Antiquities Authority quoted by Haaretz.

Puzzle piece
The new discovery is likely a missing part of a scroll of the Minor Prophets discovered in 1952. It included Micah’s prophecy of the end of days and the rise of a ruler of Bethlehem. Some are the oldest evidence of the biblical text found so far. They are a collection of 972 manuscripts and most of them date from 250 BC. C. up to the year 66 d. C.
Something else was found in the same excavation work. It is perhaps the oldest surviving basket in the world. It is made of woven reeds and is more than 10,500 years old according to radiocarbon dating. This is the Neolithic Age, before the arrival of pottery in the region (pottery originated much earlier in East Asia).
The basket survived all these years due to the remarkable heat and drought of its location. It was in the Muraba’at caves in the Nahal Darga reservation. It had a capacity of around 90 to 100 liters. Maybe it was used for storage. However, there was no debris inside to suggest what it might have stored.

Other remains
Surveyors also found the naturally mummified remains of a young boy. The body is made of hair and dates from about 6,000 years ago, about four millennia before the scrolls. The creature was apparently between 6 and 12 years old.
One more thing? Yes. Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls were near a coin cache. They date from the days of the unfortunate uprising of Bar Kochba against the Romans in the years 133-135 AD. The coins bear the typical Jewish symbols of the time: a harp and a date palm.
Arrowheads and spears, woven fabrics, sandals and even lice combs from the time of the revolt … a real treasure in the desert.