Glass fiber brings the Internet to almost every corner of the world

Fiber helps the Internet reach almost every corner of the world. Most of us think of the Internet as a wonderful spider web that connects and communicates the world. Although we don't have a full picture of the process that is taking place to get to our homes and cell phones.

glass fiber

Those who launched the Internet about 50 years ago had no complete idea of ​​what the Internet currently means to humanity. In reality, more than half of the world's population currently uses the Internet for most of their tasks. Almost 70% of households worldwide have a connection to the network of networks. There are also companies, shops, health centers, etc. In other words, more than half of the world's population is connected.

How do you get the Internet to reach every corner of the planet?

The Internet reaches everyone of us, no matter where we are. The secret of the spread of the Internet is based on fiber optic cables that are laid on the sea floor. Around 300 cables are laid on the bottom of the oceans and seas worldwide. They form a true network of glass fibers. You can find a map with the route of all the cables that make up this network on the Internet.

Fiber optic wires
Technological zoom picture:

The cables belong to communication giants like Google or Facebook. They cross the Atlantic to communicate America with Europe. They cross the Mediterranean to communicate Egypt with the African continent. Other cables are in the bed of the Pacific Ocean to reach the United States, Hawaii, and Japan. From this point they reach the Asian continent.

How can fiber optic cables be damaged on the ocean floor?

If our internet connection fails, the question remains what is the original problem. It is advisable to know some factors that can cause the error. Accidents involving deep-sea fishing nets and boat anchors can damage the cables by causing breaks. This leads to supply interruptions and the need for constant offshore repairs.

But it is not just humans who are the cause of these problems. Sharks also attack fiber optic cables with their bites. This is because the cables send out electromagnetic signals that resemble those of some fish.

Sharks damage fiber optic cables

Sharks are confused and think it is food. One of the first places where shark teeth were discovered in a damaged cable was the Canary Islands in the 1980s.

To avoid this problem, Google used Kevlar. It is a fiber that is used in bulletproof vests. It protects the cables. Fiber optic cables have a similar thickness to a garden irrigation hose.

These cables have the special feature of being bidirectional, ie the information is passed through them in both directions. This way we get the answer immediately when we do a search or make a video call.

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