Google is going to stop tracking users’ browsing through cookies, which will open the door to another type of methodology, something that especially affects Internet advertisers.
Some browsers such as Safari or Mozilla already have their own systems to strips three of cookies
Cookies (literally “cookies”) are small pieces of information stored by Internet browsers data about browsing activity (e.g., storing login credentials) and while they help, for example, to load pages faster, they also provide websites and advertisers with information about the user.
This intrusion into users’ privacy has been provoking complaints and countermeasures for years, in the form of browsers that prioritize the non-use of cookies or websites that promise not to use or store them or not to sell information to advertisers obtained from them. In response to these complaints, Google has already decided to put a stop to cookies, although the truth is that it has been postponing this decision since 2020.
The end of the use of cookies in this search engine would pose a real revolution given that. Google accounts for 60% of the online advertising market. To try to present an alternative to these systems, there are different platforms that are trying to develop ways to pseudonymize data so that there is traceable information related to the Internet user’s activity but at the same time respecting their privacy.
It would be about being able to generate profiles of Web users in terms of origin, connection times, preferences… but without revealing any personal data. This would allow advertisers to display relevant online advertising without affecting the privacy of the surfer, whose identity no one would know.
Some companies developing new alternative tracking tools to cookies. begin to use artificial intelligence to understand what appears in images and videos to detect what matters to website visitors. This allows more effective campaigns to be launched for brands and more attractive to the public without having to know the identity of the users.
It is about identify not the user but his behaviorso that what is relevant is to be able to show ads to someone who is known to have visited web pages with a certain content, so that the advertising they see will be targeted to what they are interested in.