After more than eight years suspended the service, Google News returned to Spain last June 22. Google then announced that its service for the dissemination and monetization of news content from the media would again be available in the country, once the necessary regulatory changes are made.
News Showcase provides access from a centralized platform to content from more than 140 Spanish news publications
As a result, the following has just been presented Google News Showcasea licensed selection of online content from more than 140 publications national, regional and local publications. Overall, News Showcase has reached agreements with more than 1,700 media outlets in 18 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and Portugal.
The media that are integrated into this platform thus have access to a new channel through which to reach their readersby having a more direct control over the presentation and brand image.
The News Shocase user accesses through a centralized platform to a platform that offers information elaborated by the different ascribed media in a way that guarantees plurality and a wide offer of information sources without having to go through the web jumping from medium to medium.
Segmented by sections, the selection of news allows the elaboration of a “personalized newspaper” for each user, but also allows the media to access a wider audience which, if necessary, can become a subscription through the payment walls established by the online publications themselves.
News Showcase is available via the web but also has apps for iOS and Android. The agreement reached between the platform and the media involves a remuneration to the latter in exchange for the contents that will go according to how many readers they reach, also giving the media the opportunity to expand the reach of their content so that they can reach new subscribers.