Google now shows search results sorted by AI

Google uses an algorithm that takes into account hundreds of variables when ordering the search results it shows to each user, but it has also begun to use Artificial Intelligence to organize those results in some searches.

Google was already using AI to offer small summaries at the beginning of search results on some pages, but now the use of AI goes further, since the company has announced that entire pages of results can be sorted by artificial intelligence .

How AI will sort Google search results

The results ordered by AI would not replace those already traditional Google rankingsbut would appear on the first page of results and would arrange the elements in a different way.

In fact, the results will be organized into compartments and subcategories, which will be different depending on the search performed. Subsequently, the results based on the ranking would be shown, as before.

For now, the AI ​​will only sort certain pages of search results on mobile devices, although Google is expected to later apply it to certain desktop searches as well.

According to Google, SEO experts do not have to worry or take additional actions to adapt to this new way in which search results are reordered and which will allow them to “deliver qualified results more efficiently.” What is clear is that it will change the user’s experience when accessing the content they are looking for.

Also, right now it will only sort results from search for topics like “recipes” and “foods”although Google has already confirmed that this is only during the official launch, and that it will subsequently apply AI to other categories of results.

To exemplify how it will work, Google has shown a case in which the user performs a search on “vegetarian snack ideas.” In this case, the results are grouped by categories such as “top recipes”, “easy recipes” or organized according to the ingredients they contain. This will be displayed on the mobile phone screen.

mobile search

At the moment Google has not indicated whether it will launch an option that allows you to disable the use of AI in search results. It would not be surprising, since when it launched the AI ​​summaries it allowed users to get rid of them if they did not want them to be shown.

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