In the continuing evolution of its search engine, the bottom of the Google search bar will soon begin to offer. keywords with recommendations that will help filter the results, the company has officially announced.
Keywords would allow to refine search without having to start them from scratch
This new function is called “Topics” and would allow you to add or remove criteria to refine the search without having to start a new one.
As an example of how it works Google shows a search for cooking ideas. In the filters section, where there are usually buttons that allow access to search for images or products for sale related to the search, there will appear new buttons that would refine the initiated search.. “Saudable”, “vegetarian”, “easy to cook”, “high in protein” would be some of the suggestions shown and it would be enough to click on them to add it to the search, being able to add several that would be combined to offer more specific results.
In essence this new feature meets the equivalent requirements to typing such terms but avoiding having to do so and facilitating the task by simply searching on these buttons. In case you want to eliminate any of these suggested search criteria you would have to click inside the search box and manually delete the term you want to do without.
The so-called “Topics” auxiliary elements in searches were announced by Google in September as part of its initiative to expand multiple searches and for the moment they reach the applications for iOS and Android, passing shortly to be accessible from the web browser. Initially this new feature is available only for U.S. users searching in EnglishThe new version is expected to be gradually introduced in the versions of the Google search engine for other countries and languages in the foreseeable future.