How the moon contributes to global warming

It’s not just us. CO2 emissions, pollution, harmful gases … could there be anything worse? It looks like this. And it doesn’t even depend on us. It’s about the moon. But how does the moon contribute to global warming? Here we will tell you.

How does the moon contribute to global warming?  The answer lies in the tide.
How does the moon contribute to global warming? The answer lies in the tide.
The tides that come and go

The article was published in Nature Communications. The moon would be responsible for releasing a large amount of methane into the earth’s atmosphere. What could it be? About the tides and the resistance that our satellite’s gravitational pull exerts on them. A phenomenon that scientists have been able to quantify in the Arctic Ocean. The measurements were carried out on four consecutive days and four nights.

The Arctic Ocean is constantly losing enormous amounts of methane. And the researchers found that the amount of this gas near the ocean floor increases and decreases with the tides. During these “swings”, methane is released directly into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change.

Andreia Plaza-Faverola is a geophysicist at the University of Tromsø in Norway. He wrote, “We find that accumulations of gas are exposed to even minor changes in pressure. An ebb means less hydrostatic pressure and therefore more intensity in the release of methane. Flood works in reverse.

This methane has been “leaking” into the Arctic Ocean for thousands of years. Usually due to factors such as seismic and volcanic activity. The effect of the moon had not yet been taken into account. The amount of methane entering the Arctic has most likely been underestimated.

Methane emissions were only attributed to tellurium and volcanic movements.
Methane emissions were only attributed to tellurium and volcanic movements.
View of the water

“The terrestrial systems – according to the Plaza-Faverola – are interconnected in a way that we are still deciphering. Our study shows one of these connections in the Arctic. The moon creates tidal forces, the tides create changes in pressure and currents. This explains how the moon is contributing to global warming. Rising sea levels could include the release of the ocean. The increased pressure exerted by the water would trap the gas.

Further studies on tides and methane emissions are being carried out across the region. In shallower waters, the influence of the tides on methane release would be even greater.

This is the first time these observations have been made in the Arctic. Small changes in pressure can release significant amounts of methane. This is the biggest impact of the study: And now we know why the moon withholds a hidden page from us.

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