How to add a signature in Gmail and Google Workspace

Attach a signature in Gmail

In Gmail you can customize the emails you send so that they have a distinctive stamp. For example, Google’s email program offers the freedom to put an image in the signature, you have the ability to set up default replies and much more. If you want to go a step further, it is also possible to add a signature in Gmail unique so that your messages do not go missing.

If you send many emails a day, signing each of them can become a nightmare, it is best to automate this process.

So, in case you use Gmail or Google Workspace to send a lot of emails or information, the good news is that setting up a signature is a very simple process. Here we will tell you what you have to do so that you can attach your signature without any inconvenience.

How to create a signature in Gmail and Workspace from the computer

– Log in to your Gmail or Google Workspace account.

– In case your account is new, Google automatically advises you to set a signature in the email banner. If you get this option, just click on “Set a signature”.

– If the account is not new, then go to the “Settings” (gear icon). A window will open, enter the “View all settings” option.

– In the “General” tab, scroll down to the “Signature” section.

– Click on the “Create new” button and give it a name.

– Now, the newly produced signature will be displayed on the left. In the text box on the right, you can generate the content.

– Best of all, the signature should not only be a name, but you can place images, rich text, links, etc.

– When you are done, click “Save changes”.

How to make a signature from your cell phone

– Log in to the Gmail app.

– Press on the menu in the upper right corner. Scroll down and tap on “Settings”.

– Choose the Gmail or Workspace account you want to put the signature in.

– Scroll down to the “Mobile Signature” section, click on it to attach a signature.

– A pop-up window will open for you to place what you have in mind. Click “OK” when you are done.

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