How to choose the best hosting to host your WordPress web site

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If you have a website made in WordPress or you are going to design your website with this CMS, choose a hosting optimized to work with WordPress is fundamental. You should know that a wordpress hosting is a very good option, because it is normal that the hosting provider has a special configuration to get the most out of the webs designed with this cms.

Before, wordpress hosting had a much higher cost than non-specialized hosting, but now the cost of them is much cheaper, in many cases on par with a normal hosting. In addition, the advantages of a specialized hosting, either a wordpress hosting, or other specialized to work with other cms, are many in security, speed and performance.

Why choose a wordpress hosting vs. a basic hosting?

A wordpress hosting has some special features that if you are going to design or already have your website designed in this cms, it is going to be a better option to host your website. One of the aspects to take into account is the ease of use. With wordpress hosting, the cms comes already installed and even with some recommended plugins. Installing a wordpress on a hosting, should no longer be an arduous task thanks to the one-click installation process, but on a wordpress hosting you completely forget about it.

On the other hand, hosting providers usually include for their wordpress hosting. daily backup systems. Nobody when they are starting the design of their website, thinks that something can fail, but errors arise and technical incidents as well. Having a backup system gives you the guarantee that in case of any failure or vulnerability, you have at your disposal a backup of your website.

Along with security, an aspect that should be very much taken into account when deciding on one provider or another, the following should also be a priority. speed. Your website should load fast will improve your positioning in Google results and will also make for a better user experience. For this, the hosting should have a special configuration of their servers to try to get the most out of your website and you should also make sure that they work with SSD disks, as they are much faster than traditional disks.

Other issues to take into account: migration, SSL certificates and domains.

There are other factors that can have an impact when choosing a wordpress hosting or another. Nowadays most of the providers will offer you the installation of the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for free. Do not choose a hosting that does not come with this option. It is essential that your website works with https protocol to be well positioned by Google. It is also a key security point, especially if you are going to include in your website an online store or a user login.

Together with the SSL certificate, it is normal for the hosting to offer you a free domain. If you still do not have a domain for your digital project, take the opportunity to hire it and in case you already have a domain, check if you have hired all the generic options with the .com and .es and if not, take advantage of the offer. It never hurts to protect your business and take all possible domain options.

Another issue to take into account is if the hosting offers you migrate your website totally free of charge if you come from another provider. Obviously this will only affect you if you already have your website designed and hosted on another hosting service. It is a point in your favor because migrations always bring complications, and if the hosting does it for you, all the better.

Scalable plans and maintenance

It is normal that when starting your digital project you start with the most basic hosting. This is something that all entrepreneurs do when starting their web design. Choose a hosting that offers you several plans, so that when your web starts to have an important traffic where you need more resources, you can upgrade to a higher plan without many complications.

On the other hand, many hosting services already offer Technical Maintenance of your website, in many cases as an extra. Just thinking about updating plugins and WordPress core gives you a headache. If they can do it for you, all the better. And the fact is that having Technical Support is importantso make sure that the hosting you hire includes it and that if it is 24×7 it is for real.

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