It is normal that over time your laptop accumulate a considerable amount of dust, dirt particles and marks of your fingerprints. For this reason, it is essential to know how to clean the portable computer screen and the rest of its parts -like the USB ports -safely, since it is correctly cleaning it, it will not only make it look better, but it will be kept full for many years.
It is advisable to clean the laptop once a month, you will keep it in optimal conditions. However, it is crucial that you carry out this process effectively so that you do not run the risk of damaging your laptop. In this article we will explain what you should do.
Steps to clean a laptop correctly
It is important that cleaning is done in an organized and methodical way so that you do not make any error, what you should do is the following:
Keyboard and chassis
The first step is to look for a comfortable place to clean the computer, it will be enough to place it on a table without objects that can scratch the chassis or hinder at the time of performing the task.
Once the area is located, place your laptop, take a microfiber cloth (make sure it is of this material to avoid rayons) and moisten it with a little isopropyl and water alcohol. Now, with the cloth, clean the device chassis to remove the footprints and the dust, open the laptop and remove the dirt from the keyboard.
Be careful with ventilation grilles, if they are too open, it is best not to pass the cloth through that place so that they do not get wet. Now, take another microfiber cloth that is dry and clean the chassis and keyboard, this will serve to remove any dirt that has been attached to the team.
It is important to note that you should never spray water or alcohol directly on the computer because they could sneak into and damage the internal components of the PC. Likewise, do not use aerosols, solvents or any producer containing hydrogen peroxide because it is corrosive.
On the other hand, you can use compressed air on the keyboard to remove the dirt particles that are embedded in the keys of the keys. Likewise, be cautious, it will be enough to use some soft air to meet your goal. Do not use pressure air because this could see the keyboard.
The procedure is similar to the previous one, since you will also need a microfiber cloth moistened with water and isopropyl alcohol. Then, the cloth passes on the screen without exerting a lot of pressure and making small circular movements to prevent stripes from forming.
Logically, do this procedure with the laptop off to avoid errors or accidental brackets. Then, to leave the screen as new, you can use a cloth to polish, this is a special type of cloth that is very soft and is specially designed to polish and take shine to delicate panels with IPS, Oled and Va technologies.
If you do not have a cloth to polish, it will be enough to use a dry microfiber cloth to remove the remaining dirt particles to leave the gleaming panel.
Now, at the time of cleaning the screen, do not use window cleaners or any other domestic compound because they are usually corrosive. In this case that you do not want to use water and alcohol, opt for a professional liquid to clean computers and televisions screens, some of the best brands are: Io Clean, Eveo, Pixel Perfect and Screen Mom.
Ventilation grilles and ports
Currently, many laptops have large grilles because they are made to play, so they need good ventilation to expel hot air. If your laptop has this type of grid, as mentioned above, do not use the microfiber cloth because water drops could be drained within ventilation.
Instead, it is advisable to use slightly humid swabs to remove dust and dirt particles that are attached to ventilation holes. Then, use a dry cloth to finish cleaning the area correctly.
As for the ports, you can also use the same swab to remove the dirt that has accumulated over time. If there is a lot of dust inside the slot, use a wooden stick wrapped with a little cotton on the tip to gradually remove what is obstructing the hole of the port. Here you can also use a little compressed air to leave the port as new.
Is it advisable to open the laptop to clean the interior?
No, if you do not have medium or advanced knowledge about portable computers assembly, it is best to resort to a specialized technical service. A simple false step will suffice to break the laptop.
For example, if you disassemble a flex, stripes a circuit or spoils a condenser with the static of your hands, this could leave the laptop unusable and the simple cleaning could become a big problem.