How to clear Google search history

Clear Google search history

The google search history is part of your private information, which you surely do not want to disclose to third parties. If you do not want others to know what you have searched for on Google, it is vital to know how to delete it. There are different methods you can apply, something with time limitation like deleting the last 15 minutes of the history or directly protecting the searches with a password. But the truth is that, if you do not want to leave any trace, it is best to eradicate it completely on your mobile or computer.

If you want to go incognito when you use the browser, it is best to completely get rid of the search history.

Fortunately, it is very easy to delete Google search history, no matter if you are on your phone or PC. Just a few steps will be all done, it’s something basic and fast. Follow the instructions below and you won’t have any problems.

Here’s how to clear your Google search history

– From the Google app: open the “Google Search” app, tap on your profile picture and click on “Search History”. Confirm your identity by tapping on the blue icon and then select “Continue”.

The complete search history will appear at the bottom of the page with an “X” next to each search performed. Click on the “X” for each query or day to delete it. To delete in bulk, select the blue “Delete” icon and choose the option you want.

– In Google Chrome: press on the menu of the three dots arranged vertically (it is in the upper right corner). Go to “Settings” – “Privacy and security”, choose “Clear browsing data”. Finally, select the data you are going to eradicate.

– From the computer or web browser: go to “Google My Activity” in your preferred browser. Confirm your identity by clicking on the blue “Verify” icon. Click on “Filter date and product” and click on “Search”.

The complete history will be displayed in the section below. To delete all data, click on the “Delete” icon and choose the option you want. If you are in Chrome, it will be enough to choose the three vertical dots and go to “Settings” – “Privacy and security” – “Clear browsing data” – select the data and range – “Clear data”.

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