How to create a virtual avatar in the Metaverse

Avatar for the Metaverse

Currently, avatars are very fashionable because they are a virtual representation of ourselves. These are enabled on a lot of platforms, for example, Instagram allows you to create your own avatar.

Having an avatar that is available in virtual worlds is a reality, it will represent you in digital spaces.

But not only that, since you can also generate an avatar on Facebook or make one in your image and likeness on TikTok. Now, as if that were not enough, you also have the opportunity to create your own virtual avatar in the Facebook Metaverse, getting ahead of the rest.

So, if you have been encouraged to give life to your avatar in the Metaverse, here we will tell you what to do. The best of all is that it is an easy and fun procedure that will only take you a couple of minutes or less, everything will depend on the level of details you want to add.

This is how you can create a virtual avatar in the Metaverse

The website of Ready Player Me offers free full-body 3D avatars, which is great. These can be used on a lot of virtual platforms, there won’t be any limitations on this. When you are inside the website, just click on “Create avatar”. Select the body type, then you will need to upload a photo.

The system will use the image you upload to produce an avatar that looks like you. If you don’t want to upload a photo, just choose “Continue without photo” and choose one of the predesigned models. Then you will have to customize it as you like, there will be multiple options enabled, such as skin tone, eye shape, nose shape, among many others.

Another interesting point is that there are several options for clothes and hairstyles, the same with accessories. The platform offers hats, glasses, necklaces, rings, etc. To add the avatar to the Metaverse just click on “Discover applications” to see which games and systems are available. For example, if you want to use the avatar in VRChat, just click on “VRChat” – “Import to VRChat” and you’re done.

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