How to get Amazon products at the best price

Prime Days are over and you may be a little saturated with shopping, but it is now when it is more valuable to know how to track the best Amazon discounts… on the products that interest you. If you can wait to buy something, isn’t it worth doing it when you save a bundle? Well, that’s just it.

As you know if you are a regular reader, in MC we already echo the best deals from sites like Amazon or PcComponents on their big days, but also weekly in our Red Friday section. Stop by from time to time, because what we collect there is a selection of the best deals of the week. It’s the same with Prime Days or PcDays: we only share the most outstanding discounts.

However, in MC we talk about technology and, consequently, the products that we include in this type of articles are what they are. For that reason and because your interest may revolve around very specific products, it does not hurt to try to get the best discounts on their own, tracking price variations on the items that really interest you. For this, there is no better tool than..

It could have a shorter name, but it’s the least important thing about Camelcamelcamelcamela veteran Amazon price comparison service that, when used properly, can help you save on specific products… and not fall into discount traps, which also exist, especially with campaigns like Prime Days, Black Friday, etc.

Camelcamelcamel: price history

The first interesting feature of Camelcamelcamel and its leitmotif of origin is precisely the price historywith which to observe all the price variations that a product has had since it arrived on Amazon or since tracking began, something that does not always coincide. It will always depend on the product itself. Simply go to the website and enter the name or URL of the product in question in the search engine.

Let’s take one product as an example to see what Camelcamelcamel has to offer.

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Continuing with the price history, it is a very interesting function, since Amazon only provides this information one month in advance, so there are sellers who raise the price carefully, so that come the sales period it seems that they are offering a good discount. This function is also useful to get an idea of the evolution of the price of a product and assess whether it is worth waiting for it to go down or how much it could do so.

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This function allows you, in addition to consulting the price history of a product, to do so whether it is an product sold by Amazon, sold by a third party or a second-hand product. This is information that may not interest you, but serves to complement the previous one (and if you are not interested, you can remove it from the view by unchecking the corresponding option).

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As you can see in the example we took, on the day the product, the Logitech mouse, was added, its price was 94.97 euros on Amazon and although it was around about five euros cheaper from January to April, its historical lowest price was 80 euros in August 2020. Its most expensive price, on the other hand, was 131 euros in December 2020. And yes, you can get it cheaper second hand, although among the offer per new item from third parties has never been as competitive as that of Amazon.

In short, all these data are an indicator of the optimal or recommended price at which you could take the product, except for sudden drops due to product renewal – in this case, that Logitech launched a new model of the mouse and lowered the price of the current one to liquidate the stock as soon as possible.

Camelcamelcamel: discount tracker

And, of course, Camelcamelcamel helps you to track changes in the price of the products you indicate to itto notify you when they are discounted. To do so, you will need to register for the service with an email account. To receive alerts, you can choose between an email message or a Twitter mention, but you can also receive them via RSS.

How exactly? In the same way: once you have registered with the service, you enter the product name or URL in the search engine and complete the process by choosing whether you want the tracking to be done at the Amazon price, a new or used third party price, and indicating the price at which you want it.

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When adding a price tracker, you must indicate which discount you are looking for: a percentage below the current price, any discount (Any Price Drop!), a “good offer, which would be from 20% off or the “best price”, i.e. the lowest price recorded to date.

Are you an avid shopper and do you find it a hassle to keep logging on to the Camelcamelcamel site to add products? For that there is the extension for web browsers, Chromium (Chrome, Miscorosft Edge and other derivatives), Firefox and Safari, which encapsulates all the functions you need. Clicking the button when you are viewing a product on Amazon will show you the price history and the button to add it to your watch list.


Camelizer, the web browser extension for Camelcamelcamel (don’t be scared, he doesn’t want to sell you watches: it’s a bad translation)

Are you also one of those who have a long list of desired products on Amazon and you are too lazy to transfer them to Camelcamelcamel one by one? Don�t worry, because Camelcamelcamel makes it easy for you to import your wish list with just a couple of clicks; and from there do the same for the products you are monitoring.

Camelcamelcamel also offers a customizable discount section that you can easily follow with an RSS client, both for the most discounted products and for the most popular products, in both cases you can filter by categories or use the search engine.

It should be noted that the scope of Camelcamelcamel is restricted to certain markets, so only Amazon users in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, United States, United Kingdom and, obviously, Spain, have this interesting tool at their disposal.

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