For some time now, Google has been pushing to the top positions of its search results page (SERP) all content that promotes the user experience. In this sense, product reviews are a type of content highly appreciated by users, since thanks to them they can get a clearer idea of what to expect from a particular product or service they want to buy.
Google updated its algorithm dedicated to product review pages in April to avoid worthless content that would lead users to buy poor or low-quality products.
Because of these reasons, many ecommerce websites rely on this type of review content to sell more products. An example of this is Amazon, where user feedback is one of the main factors that affect the decision to buy a product.
On the other hand, in April 2021 Google updated its algorithm for product pagesimproving the position of those products whose reviews provided detailed and useful information that would allow users to make a better buying decision. Although this was not a “core update”, it is still important to optimize review and product pages by following these tips:
-Informative reviews: Product reviews are one of the contents that rank the best in Google. However, what the search engine wants is quality content, so reviews should be long, explanatory and provide as much detail as possible about the product, its uses and effectiveness. This also applies to reviews and comments, the more detailed and explanatory they are, the better the product will be positioned in Google, as it is considered to be a product that has been liked.
-Experience: When it comes to product reviews, Google prefers content created by experts in the field. Being an expert does not require engineering. Google will consider “expert” any user who has an extensive track record of creating content on a particular topic. This is due to the introduction of the EAT, which is responsible for assessing the quality of content, precisely to avoid misleading or low-value review pages that encourage users to buy poor quality products, just for the sake of generating affiliate links.
-Detailed descriptions: When writing a review, one of the first points to keep in mind is to give as detailed a description as possible. When reading the review, users should get a very clear idea of what the product looks like, inside and out, as well as the most correct way to use it. Descriptions should be accompanied by images or videos of the product. It is clear that not all products need descriptions of two thousand words, but you have to be as perfectionist as possible, leaving nothing to the imagination.
-Don’t keep the bad part: Google wants users reading the product review to get a true picture of what the product is like and its value. The change in the algorithm for this type of content was aimed at eliminating “paid reviews” that extol the virtues of a product (often exaggerating them), which led users to buy something “tricked”. Reviews should be as honest as possible, showing the good side of the product, but also any negative side, disadvantages or drawbacks it may have. This point is not only important for search engine rankings, but also for users who will be more willing to trust the review.
-Make a difference: Nowadays the market is saturated with all kinds of products so when it comes to making a review, you should highlight any point or feature that differentiates a product from the rest of similar products out there in the market. Pointing out the differential point of a product can make it stand out from the rest, like when Apple launched its iPod with white headphones, creating something different that stood out and that everyone wanted to own.