How to sell Instagram posts as NFT

cocoNFT cover image

cocoNFT is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily convert any Instagram post into a non fungible token (NFT) to sell to other users interested in these unique collectibles.

cocoNFT allows you to create NFTs while avoiding paying the high minting fees of the Ethereum network.

NFTs are here to stay, as evidenced by the increasing sales being made, not only on NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, but at large traditional auction houses where it has even sold original Internet source code as NFT.

However, one of the main barriers to adoption of this technology is the high costs, in gas rates, of minting NFTs, as well as the complexity of this technology. This is where cocoNFT comes in, as its main goal is to simplify the whole process, making it easier for any user, regardless of their experience in the crypto world.

To start using cocoNFT you just need to have or create a cryptocurrency wallet and link it to the tool. Then, it will also be necessary to associate the Instagram account from which we want to obtain the content to create the NFTs and choose those publications that we want to convert into non-fungible tokens to put on sale.

After finishing these simple steps, cocoNFT will generate a link that we can shareby including it in your Instagram bio, so that anyone who visits your account can access the NFTs. The price of each NFT will be defined by the author himself and, to prove the authenticity of each one, at the time of generating the token a digital contract must be signed, which will serve as a certificate of authenticity.

In this regard, all purchase and sale transactions that are managed through the tool, are carried out in Etherthe Ethereum cryptocurrency.

NFT minting fees on the Ethereum network can reach upwards of $480, and while using cocoNFT is not entirely free, it does save the user from paying these fees, as only a service fee, which is usually much lower, will need to be paid.

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