How to survive the age of hybrid work?

Gadgets for teleworking

Many of us professionals are facing a different era for us. Working from home for many is already history and the hybrid work model, mixing working days at home with working days at the office, seems to be the future for a lot of professionals. Depending on the profession, some will be able to enjoy it and we want to give you some tips on how to survive this new stage and to give the best of you and your efficiency grow wherever you are.

We also know that there are many bosses who do not want to implement this model for various types of reasons, but perhaps after reading this article they can change their minds, since offering this alternative to their employees can translate into better performance as distractions in the office will disappear.

1- Everything is online

If we’ve learned anything over the last few months, it’s that for better or worse, all or a large part of the information and our work is done online. Having everything written down in notebooks will become history, if it hasn’t already. The new generations embrace digitization more than anyone else and having to take notes by hand and having to sort everything to find it easily on a physical desk is something that will be a thing of the past.

There are now many apps that support remote and face-to-face work in equal parts. Miro, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Drive… have made it possible for us to work wherever we are, helping us with a wide range of functionalities that we could not have imagined. Online meetings are more interactive than ever, they save time thanks to the templates they offer depending on the topic to be discussed, and being able to work the whole company in the same place at any time is one of the main advantages we get from this type of tools.

2- Create concept maps

A conceptual map helps to manage and strategize. Doing it digitally allows hybrid work to work much better, faster and more efficiently. Concept mapping allows for a deeper understanding of the ideas and processes behind them.

At one point you can make it clear what the plan is, who has to do what and the deadlines for it. They can also be used to determine your competitive advantage over other similar businesses and are perfect for problem solving, because being so visual and summarized you can see at a glance what the problem is to try to solve it as soon as possible and move forward with the project.

3- Trust your employees

An employee is the most important part of the company. If they are not happy they are not going to perform as they should. In a hybrid work model it is very important to trust them. The company culture is a fundamental part in this point, if the culture is positive, you do not prohibit and give freedom, it has been shown that performance grows exponentially because after all an employee knows what he has to do and when, if he does not meet his goal you have to sit down and talk, of course, but if you give him space it is normal that he responds better.

4- Invest in online tools

If your company has not yet invested in online tools, you are late. We already told you in the first point that sooner rather than later, the information of any company is going to be fully onlineThe sooner it is assimilated, the sooner the successes will begin. The tools that are most conducive to remote work for us are:

  • Slack: It’s the perfect tool for communication between all teams. It’s the place to go to ask if you need something, find out what the process is for something, and share your work.
  • Zoom: Meetings are an important part of everyday life and Zoom is the best software for it. It has a number of features that facilitate meetings making them much more interactive and engaging.
  • TrelloIt is essential to see what is the status and the process of the objectives to follow in a day, week, month, quarter… It allows you to reflect everything in tables and assign the people in charge of the task so that no one gets lost and everyone knows what they have to do.
  • Google Drive: Not only does it allow you to save and share all kinds of files, but it is also the perfect way to make text and calculation documents online totally free. It also lets you choose who you want to share the document with and what they can do in it.
  • Miro: It is an infinite virtual whiteboard that allows you to develop anything you want, it also allows you to integrate all the tools mentioned above in one place to streamline any process.

Obviously, there are many more tools, but for us these are the main ones to make hybrid work a complete success since whether you’re at home or you’re in the office, you can see everything in one place without having to go carrying anything else but a computer.

5- Be careful!

Anything you do in this life carries danger, and working in an office or at home does too. Unfortunately, cybercrime has been one of the things that has grown the most in recent months so you have to be especially careful with this issue and invest in security software if you do not want to have any scare.

There are more and more cases of companies being blackmailed into not sharing personal and financial data, as well as company strategies and statistics. If you have something very important, maybe you keep it in a safe with security, right? Well, it’s the same online. If you don’t have security and educate your staff about it, data theft can happen much more easily than you think.

Join the digitization and squeeze the most out of hybrid work with these tips!

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