If you want to type the diameter symbol using the computer keyboard, you will know that this is not an easy task.
There is no key on QWERTY keyboards, the ones used by most computers, that allows you to directly write this symbol (as happens with the letter Ñ in Anglo-Saxons), so it is necessary to use a key combination.
In addition, the combination is different depending on the operating system the computer uses, so it can be even more complicated to remember how to write. Possibly you have come to this article because you don’t know how to write it, so don’t worry, we are going to tell you what you have to do.
Combination to write the diameter symbol with the keyboard
Depending on the computer you use, you will have to use one combination or another, although there is a faster way to write the diameter symbol with any keyboard: searching for it on the Internet and copying and pasting it. So that you don’t have to go searching for it, we provide you with the symbols here in case you want to copy and paste them:
On the other hand, these are the codes that you have to enter depending on the operating system you use.
-On Windows: If you use a PC with Windows operating system, you must enter the following combination:
Alt + 155 (diameter symbol in lower case).
Alt + 157 (diameter symbol in uppercase).
-On Mac: You just have to press these keys:
Option (⌥) + O (lowercase diameter symbol)
Option (⌥) + Shift + O (diameter symbol in uppercase).
On Linux: You must press the following key combination:
Alt Gr + O (lowercase diameter symbol).
Alt Gr + Shift + O (diameter symbol in uppercase).