Increase your sales with SMS Marketing

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It is evident that for modern society, e-commerce represents a platform that is growing robustly in today’s market. Of course, competition is fierce and in this scenario, companies and brands are preparing themselves day by day to validate accurate strategies that allow them to increase their sales. It is here where digital marketing makes its presence felt, and it is no secret that it has become the best answer to optimize the marketing of a product or service.

Several techniques and tools come to life through an online marketing campaign such as email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing, lead generation or performance marketing, to name the most prominent. However, the success of each one is focused on a solid planning that goes in line with the goals set out in the digital marketing campaign, without leaving aside the objectives of the company or client.

Of course, these strategies can be executed independently or through multichannel methods where an effective combination is achieved. Which is the most appropriate? The objectives of each campaign must be customized for each client, and it is here that they determine which strategy or strategies can be implemented.

Now, there is no denying that email marketing is one of the most valued tools to project the commercial growth of any company; however, the recognized potential that SMS marketing offers to increase sales and guarantee short and long term profits should not be underestimated.

want to witness how SMS marketing can increase your sales? We’ll give you all the details.

what’s so special about SMS marketing to increase sales?

In case you don’t know, SMS marketing is still more valid than ever. It is a direct marketing strategy that guarantees the best open or read rate (98%) with a cost balance that is quite comfortable for the customer.

But why is it so effective? For starters, mobile devices have become the perfect companion of modern society, therefore the vast majority of people are always on the lookout for any sound or vibration on their devices. However, it has been proven that users open a text message more quickly than an email, which favors the open rate of the SMS marketing campaign. Moreover, it is not necessary to be connected to an Internet network to receive an SMS with advertising, and this is one of the great qualities that allow SMS marketing to be positioned above email marketing.

is the database important to increase sales with SMS marketing?

of course it is! Every SMS marketing campaign must be built on an effective SMS database, this is essential for obtaining quality leads. To ensure the success of the SMS marketing campaign opening rate, it is imperative that the contact list offers different types of data of potential customers. Of course, to achieve this, it is necessary to establish information segmentation parameters that must be closely related to the buyer persona and the campaign objectives.

For many, having an endless array of rows and columns where data is stored in an organized way in spreadsheets, is sufficient to launch an SMS marketing campaign. This behavior gives way to a blunt error that destabilizes the rest of the strategy.

It’s easy to understand, the database must be made up of a set of data that provides relevant information about those potential customers who identify with the product or service offered. This action is imperative whether working with cloud database system, distributed database, object oriented database, nosql database, relational database, full text database or any other type of database.

4 Effective methods to increase your sales with SMS Marketing

If you’re looking to potentially grow your sales through SMS marketing, pay attention to the most effective techniques:

Text messages with flash offers

Get the customer loyalty gained through SMS marketing, is possible. So, an excellent technique to increase your sales is to send flash offers and promotions of your products or services via text message.

Undoubtedly, it creates an unparalleled bond of closeness where the customer feels special by receiving exclusive information with products of their interest. In addition, it awakens the interest to buy as it is a limited time offer.

Improve your company’s notoriety with new customers

Using an effective database management system that keeps your database up to date is crucial for contacting new customers. You can also rely on a text message that offers clear and relevant content about your signature.

Of course, it is not an action that allows you to make a sale immediately; however, it opens a window for new potential clients to become interested in what you have to offer, favoring an increase in sales in the near future.

Include relevant and interesting content in your message

It’s not just sending an SMS for the sake of sending it, for the campaign to be successful in terms of open rate, you need to offer content of interest to the customer. An excellent strategy is personalize the message with the customer’s name and integrate persuasive phrases.

Also, take advantage of the message content to highlight your firm’s identity by including special slogans that fit in with seasons or dates of interest to consumers such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day or the summer season, for example.

SMS marketing for potential customers who left their shopping cart abandoned

Another effective strategy to increase your sales is to pay attention to those customers who, during the last phase of the purchase process, decided to abandon their cart. In this case, it is necessary to carry out remarketing or retargeting actions, depending on the objectives of the campaign. The idea is to send them an SMS containing relevant and interesting content with the intention of capture their attention again and encourage them to make a purchase.

It is clear that SMS marketing is and will continue to be one of the most audacious and effective strategies to increase the sales margin of any brand or business. Of course, it is worthwhile to invest in a quality SMS marketing database and to have a team of qualified experts. This team should focus on making decisions regarding the techniques and tools that will achieve the campaign’s objectives and, therefore, materialize the increase in sales and obtain favorable long-term profits.

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