Microsoft has finally withdrawn the end-user version of Internet Explorer, its flagship Internet browser. The company had already announced its intention to withdraw Internet Explorer from the market last year, but even so, the move has caught some users by surprise.
Microsoft Internet Explorer was launched in 1995
In a context where Google Chrome dominates the market, with 60% share on desktops, followed by Mozilla Firefox and Apple’s Safari, Microsoft no longer found sense in maintaining Internet Explorer and devoting resources to both its development and the resolution of possible bugs.
Moreover, having launched in 2015 another Internet browser, Microsoft Edge, along with Windows 10, and which had more functionalities and security, it seemed unnecessary to continue allocating resources to Internet Explorer. In addition, the launch of smartphones and the increased use of the Internet from mobile devices had caused a considerable drop in the use of Internet Explorer.
Now, Internet Explorer users will be redirected to use Microsoft Edge, which curiously retains an “Internet Explorer Mode” but only for developers, who have access to the browser’s native applications.
Internet Explorer was launched in 1995, introduced by Bill Gatesin its time, it revolutionized Internet access, reaching 94% market share during the last decade of the last century.
However, the advances experienced in Internet communications and the change of use by Internet users, who now prefer to connect on mobility rather than from the desktop, as well as the emergence of competitors that have grown a lot in a short time, has led Microsoft to abandon a mythical product for the company, which has been offering service to users for the last 27 years. From now on, it will be replaced by Microsoft Edge.