Main mistakes when developing your Social Media Plan

social media failures

The creation of the Social Media Plan and the correct definition of each of its parts is the only way to achieve the objectives that your SME or large company sets in social networks.

We already discussed how to create the Social Media Plan properly, but today we will stop by highlighting the main mistakes that can be made when preparing it. The objective is for you to know the bad practices that anyone responsible for managing a company’s social networks – or even yourself when managing your own social profiles – should avoid by all means:

Errors that you should avoid when creating the Social Media Plan

– Not carrying out a prior analysis. You must invest time and resources in knowing the reality of the company (preparing a SWOT analysis with its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) as well as your competitors.

Only by knowing your current online reputation will you be able to outline the strategy you should follow. Having a well-defined starting scenario on which the bases of communication are based is essential to achieve the objectives.

– Not defining the objectives. Speaking of them, it is necessary that they be well defined. Only in this way can they be used to develop concrete actions that allow them to be achieved. Without a clear goal, the path in social networks for a company is meaningless. Objectives must be achievable, realistic and measurable.

– Not getting the target audience right. You must properly define the people to whom you will send the messages. If you send them to people who don’t have a need you can meet, you won’t achieve your goals.

– Not choosing the channels well. This is essential. You should only have a presence on the networks where your target audience is. Don’t try to cover more than you can adequately manage.

Expect short-term results. In social networks it is impossible to obtain results or impact immediately. It costs a lot to create and develop a stable user community. Don’t be impatient and always work in the medium and long term.

– Do not allocate resources. Managing social networks is not an easy task. If you do not dedicate the necessary resources (financial, time, professionals…) you will not be able to develop the task adequately and based on objectives. Generally, in delicate situations, the first thing that is cut in many companies is spending on social media, which can be a tremendous mistake.

-Not developing a Content Plan. In the same way that a Social Media Plan is created, a content plan must be developed within it. Thus, in a planned manner, it will be possible to create valuable content that attracts the attention of users.

Posting anything on the fly is a mistake that many companies make on social networks. Not planning the content will mean not achieving the proposed objectives.

– Do not define the metrics. The results must be measurable. Each proposed action must respond to an objective and be associated with a KPI.

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