The Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality has passed a law banning influencers from posting retouched pictures of themselves Note that such images have been retouched.
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The duty to warn that an image on which an influencer appears has been retouched is based on the interest in prevent unrealistic standards of beauty from being promoted and that they do not correspond to reality. You retouch it with Photoshop or similar post-production tools or the same filters that many apps use to get exceptional results, but which can skew the effect of products that are meant to be sold through advertisements, videos, or publications with these retouched images.
The measure will have an impact exclusively and exclusively to influencersto prevent the merits of a product from being retouched in this way, which could lead to misleading advertising. Therefore it is necessary to add the note that the promotional image has been retouched. The other users of social networks and the Internet can continue to use filters and digital retouching free of charge, since the only criteria to be taken into account are the influencing variables generated by certain online profiles, those with the promotion of products or services.
In addition to social networks, the ban approved by the Norwegian government also extends to the distribution of these retouched images in online and paper publications, media, posters and billboards. It is an extension of a measure that initially emerged as a restriction to so-called influencer marketing, which has so strongly influenced the Internet in recent years.
From the collective of Norwegian influencers have shown their support for the measure, in accordance with the reasons given by the Ministry of Equality and Children regarding the intention to contain the negative impact of this type of advertising on children and adolescents.
This is a measure that other countries have already implemented. A) Yes France has been committed by law since 2017 for fashion publications to show when images have been retouched. In the UK, the #FilterDrop (out of filter) campaign was launched last March, supported by the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority), the UK’s regulator for self-regulation in advertising. On the other hand, the photo agency Getty Images has made the retouched photographs of models disappear from their huge image database.