In the last two years the platform for creating paid content OnlyFans has experienced a very significant growth, both in number of users creators and consumers of these contents, for which they pay a small monthly amount.
In OnlyFans you can find all types of content, although erotic and sexual content abounds
Originally conceived as a way to bring artists closer to their fans (musicians, filmmakers, etc…) during the pandemic months many users also started to create content on OnlyFans and charge for it as a way of subsistence.
Although on the platform you can find all kinds of content -from lessons to learn a language to tutorials to play the guitar- the truth is that the vast majority of the content that can be found on it -and those that have more pull- are related to eroticism, sex or, explicitly or implicitly, are racy or recommended for adults.
With the relaxation of strict health regulations following the pandemic and the recovery of employment one might think that the use of OnlyFans has declined, but this is by no means the case. Rising prices and inflation, brought on by the pandemic itself and circumstances such as the Ukrainian War, have made OnlyFans the only recourse left for many young people to get easy money and pay their bills at the end of the month.
The cut in wages has also caused many users to decide to to opt for creating content on OnlyFans rather than continuing with precarious jobs. “I was paid 800 euros a month for 30 hours working as a telemarketer. For that, I prefer to record videos for OnlyFans and get much more money,” admits Ariel Fernandez – fictitious name – 25 years old, during an interview held for the preparation of this report.
According to Fernandez, in a month he can get, at least, 2,000 euros with the subscriptions to his OnlyFans channel and the “tips” that many users leave to his contents. “But it is necessary to plan ahead. I usually invest three or four hours a day in recording, editing, editing… and I also do live sessions,” he says. In other words, he takes it as if it were a job and earns more than in his previous job.
“At OnlyFans there’s room for just about everything. You don’t have to show yourself having sex, but there are people who are willing to pay, for example, for pictures of your feet,” acknowledges Marina Laso, 27, who has been using the platform for more than a year. “I haven’t quit my job at a telecommunications company because I don’t have to, I’m not recognized… and with what I get on OnlyFans I’m doing well enough to pay the bills,” she says.
These are two examples of how OnlyFans has become a resource for many young people who are looking for easy money to help them meet many of their bills and bills they have to pay. In any case, you should not think that just by opening an OnlyFans account you are going to make money. There are many people who try and do not get a sufficient number of subscribers interested in their content.
“This is like a few years ago being a YouTuber. Everyone wanted to be one, but not everyone could manage to make a living from it. Opening an account is easy, now to make money you have to take it very seriously,” says Fernandez.
Some say that OnlyFans is a platform that incites young people to engage, in a way, in something similar to prostitution, and that ends up objectifying them. Although it is true that erotic content abounds on the platform, it is a tool that men and women use equally, and in which they themselves are the ones who set the limits on the content they want to share (and for which they want to get money).
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