ONLYOFFICE Docs, create and edit documents online with total freedom

Onlyoffice Docs

If you spend your working hours in front of the computer screen, editing texts or handling spreadsheets, you will know how important it is to have a program that is easy to use, maximizes productivity and gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere, whenever you want and collaborating with whomever you want.

Whether you use this type of software for work or for passion in your leisure time – maybe you like to spend your free time writing or you make presentations for your family and friends – having a complete office suite will be essential for you. If you can also use it online, with no strings attached, allowing you to use it wherever you are and whenever you want, it may become your ideal companion.

But of course, there are many office suites on the market, of many types and from many different manufacturers. Which one should you choose? It will depend on your own needs, but today we are going to recommend one that we have been testing in recent weeks and that will certainly suit you and what you need. This is ONLYOFFICE Docs, one of the most powerful online editors, with which you can work with different types of documents: text, spreadsheets, presentations, forms and PDF files… in a professional and very comfortable way.

The fact that it is an online office suite is already an important advantage, since it gives you the freedom you need to use it at any time and from anywhere, just by having an Internet connection.

ONLYOFFICE Docs, which has just released version v7.2 of its software, is a powerful online editor that will become your ideal work companion. With it you can create all kinds of documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentations, PDFs, ebooks… It supports all the most popular formats, such as docx, xlsx, pptx, odt, ods, odp, doc, xls, ppt, pdf, txt, rtf, html, epub and csv, and even OOXML formats.

Excel Onlyoffice

When editing any document, you can choose from a wide variety of formatting tools. You will also be able to insert and edit complex objects and improve your experience by adding all kinds of plugins, which will make any task easier. In addition, plugin management is very easy, thanks to the new plugin manager in v7.2, which allows you to view available plugins, install and uninstall them at the click of a button.

It is a collaborative suite, with which you can work with other people in real time on any type of document. Each user, in addition, can establish the degree of collaboration of others, there being different modes of use “review”, “edit”, “comments only”, “viewing”, etc… so that other users can carry out collaborative actions and see in real time what changes are being included. It is also possible to restrict copying, downloading and printing options, among other options.

ONLYOFFICE Docs also incorporates other interesting tools, such as the possibility of scaling the different editors used at the same time to make it easier to work online with various types of documents. It also incorporates an interesting dark mode, which allows you to use the suite while protecting your eyesight and improving working conditions in low-light environments. In addition, using it also saves considerable battery power.

There are different types of ONLYOFFICE Docs solutions, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and create your own office in the cloud, from which to edit and create all kinds of documents. For example, there is the solution for individuals, which allows you to view, edit and share documents from anywhere and with any type of device, whether computer or cell phone.

On the other hand, you will find the solution for professionals, which allows you to use ONLYOFFICE Docs as part of the ONLYOFFICE Workspace suite but also of many other collaborative platforms and solutions, such as Alfresco, Drupal, Moodle, Sharepoint, WordPress… So you can connect online all the editors of your workers. There is also a specific solution for developers, which will allow them to create their own branded programs, customizing the ONLYOFFICE Docs experience to the maximum.

So now you know, if you are looking for a versatile office suite, hosted in the cloud or on a local server, that allows you to work from anywhere and share your documents with anyone in real time, ONLYOFFICE is the ideal solution for you. Download it now and see for yourself.

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