Perseverance produces oxygen like a tree

The experiment is called MOXIE. It is part of the tests performed by the Perseverance rover. It has achieved an important milestone on Martian soil. And it has big implications for future missions. Perseverance produces oxygen like a tree.

Perseverance produces oxygen like a tree thanks to MOXIE.
Perseverance produces oxygen like a tree thanks to MOXIE.

Oxygen on Mars

MOXIE was able to produce oxygen in seven tests conducted since April 2021 It did so in a variety of atmospheric conditions. In each of the tests, MOXIE reached its goal of producing six grams of oxygen per hour. About the rate of a modest tree on Earth.

“It is the first demonstration of the utilization of resources on the surface of another planetary body. And of their chemical transformation into something useful for a human mission.” Says, Jeffrey Hoffman, retired astronaut and MIT professor. “It’s historic in that sense.”

MOXIE is small, about the size of a toaster. It is designed to run for short periods, starting up and shutting down on each test. An expanded MOXIE would include larger units that could operate continuously. They would be sent to Mars ahead of a human mission to produce oxygen at a rate of several hundred trees. This would allow enough oxygen to be generated, and stored, to sustain humans.

The device is barely the size of a toaster.
The device is barely the size of a toaster.

Operation of the MOXIE

The thin Martian atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide. This is of little help to oxygen-breathing humans. The air density can vary by a factor of two throughout the year. And the temperature can vary by 100 °F,” Hoffman said. “We showed that we can make (MOXIE) work in all seasons.”

MOXIE works by splitting carbon dioxide molecules, which are composed of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. It separates the oxygen molecules and emits carbon monoxide as a waste product. Engineers are continuing to test MOXIE. They plan to expand its capacity and increase its output, focusing on the Martian spring months. This is when carbon dioxide levels are particularly high.

Perseverance produces oxygen like a tree right now. Is it possible to imagine a future “forest” of rovers in the future, providing oxygen to astronauts?

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