Programs to know if an email has been opened

If you want to know if someone has opened your emailthere are programs that allow you to do it easily. This way, you can ensure that the message you have sent has not only been received, but also read.

These types of tools are useful, above all, so that you can effectively monitor marketing campaigns, since they allow you to measure both the impact and effectiveness of the emails you send.

In addition, they are a good alternative to monitor the progress of a project you are promoting, ensuring that the instructions or documents you have sent are reviewed within the appropriate deadlines.

If you don’t know what programs to use for track your emailin this article you will find a list of the best ones.

Recommended programs to track emails

These are the most recommended programs to have control over who has seen and interacted with your emails.


photo by Yesware

Yesware is a tool with which you can keep track of all the emails you send through Outlook or Gmail. You can integrate it into your inbox without having to use a new email system.

With it, you can also receive real-time notifications every time the recipient opens your email, clicks on a link or when they view an attachment.

In fact, it is very useful if you have a business and want to identify potential clients or even choose the most appropriate time to follow up, as you will know when there has been interaction with your content.

Email Tracker

Email Tracker photo

Email Tracker is a program that you can use to track emails sent from Gmail.

The tool notifies you when they open your messages or if they click on links, if you include them. Its operation is very simple, since it uses two types of marks, one when the email was sent and another when it was opened.

If you want to explore the platform further to obtain, for example, engagement metrics, you need to purchase a subscription.


photo by Mixmax

Mixmax is a program that notifies you when a recipient opens your email, but also tells you how many times they have done so and the date on which they did so.

With this platform you can also perform basic monitoring of your email marketing campaigns.

Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang for Gmail photo

Boomerang is a highly recommended Chrome extension for scheduling emails and for receiving notifications when recipients open your messages.

It also allows you to add the reminders you want and even helps you be more productive by optimizing the writing of your emails without having to resort to artificial intelligence tools.

This is a program that can be useful especially if you want to better organize your inbox or simply send emails at the right time.

Staffbase Email

photo by Staffbase Email

Staffbase Email helps you keep track of your emails using read receipts in Gmail.

One of its great advantages is that it provides very detailed reports on opening rates, clicks and even reading times.

This tool is perfect if you are promoting a large-scale communication strategy, because it also helps you segment your emails by departments or locations within a company.

Additionally, the service allows you to schedule recurring emails and you can even closely track attachments.


photo by Gmelius

Gmelius is a tool that you can use if you work in a team and need to work with Gmail collaboratively.

The tool gives you reading receipts, you can schedule emails, create mailing campaigns and even delegate tasks.

In addition, it gives you the possibility of synchronizing your Gmail account with other tools such as Slack or Trello so that you have a much more efficient management inbox.

If you want to go further, you can access features like Kanban boards, with which you can organize projects or automated workflows to improve your daily productivity.

Right Inbox

photo from Right Inbox program

Right Inbox is an extension for Gmail to schedule your emails so they are sent when you want. It is very useful if you usually work with recipients with whom you have a big time zone difference.

You can also track the openings and clicks of these emails and you will be able to know how many times the email has been opened and the exact time.

Not only that, it allows you to automate recurring emails, attach private notes to your messages, create email templates, and even helps you manage multiple signatures.

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