what do people think about radiation? That it is something lethal. An invisible and dangerous force. But most radiation is natural. Life on Earth would not be possible without it. That’s right: radiation exists everywhere.

From the beginning
Humans have evolved to live exposed to low doses of radiation. The Big Bang, almost 14 billion years ago, generated radiation in the form of atoms (primordial radionuclides). These are now part of everything in the universe. Some have very long physical half-lives. For a radioactive form of thorium it is 14 billion years. For uranium it is 4.5 billion.
Primordial radionuclides are still present in rocks, minerals and soil. Their decay provides a source of heat in the Earth’s interior. They turn its molten iron core into a convection dynamo that maintains a strong magnetic field. Without this radioactivity, the Earth would have gradually cooled to a dead rocky globe.
Radiation from space interacts with elements in Earth’s upper atmosphere. They produce forms of hydrogen, carbon, aluminum, and other well-known elements.
Plants absorb radiation from the ground. It is in foods such as bananas, beans, carrots, potatoes, peanuts, and Brazil nuts. Beer contains a radioactive form of potassium. Most of the radionuclides in food pass through our bodies and are eliminated. We are all slightly radioactive.

Adapted to it
Our bodies evolved naturally to live with it. Our cells have developed protective mechanisms. The first artificial radioactive materials were produced by Marie and Pierre Curie in the 1930s. Radiation therapy remains one of the most important methods of cancer treatment.
Radiation is used to diagnose cancerous tumors. Radionuclides treat cancer by directing the emitted radiation onto a tumor.
Despite the benefits nuclear reactors offer us, people fear the radiation they generate. But very few people have died from nuclear power generation. And modern reactors generate minimal waste.
Radioactive waste does not generate carbon dioxide, unlike coal, gas or oil.
Radiation exists everywhere. We must harness it safely and use it for our benefit and that of our planet.