Windows 11 has been on the market for some considerable time now, but Microsoft is still has not finished settling many of its outstanding accounts, nor of turning it into a really interesting alternative for those who use Windows 10, an operating system that did not have a good start either, but that in the end has become one of the best versions of Windows that Microsoft has launched.
The truth is that the image that has been generated around Windows 11 is not good, although being honest in this case it is not just a matter of image. This operating system drags problems that still today have not been solved, and it is clearly inferior to Windows 10 in certain aspects. If we add to this the controversial issue of updateswhich continue to arrive laden with bugs, we have a fairly clear picture that paints a detailed picture of some of the most important shortcomings of Windows 11.
In my case, I use Windows 11 on the test bench and on the laptop, but I have Windows 10 on my personal PC, and I don’t plan to upgrade in the short or medium term. In the portable one I updated to Windows 11 because I wanted to test this operating system in a more personal and more intensive way, and the truth is that I did not like the experience.
Even after so much time using Windows 11 on the test bench I still can’t quite get used to this operating system. Some of you may think that this is because I have not made the complete jump to this operating system, and you may be partially right, but it’s that I feel much more comfortable when using Windows 10, and considering the amount of hours I spend in front of my PC every day, I don’t think it’s worth it for me to make the transition to Windows 11 right now.
I do not rule out upgrading in the future, in fact it is clear that eventually I will have to jump through the hoop and abandon Windows 10, but I have no hurry, and seeing the information that have been circulating for months about a possible Windows 12 who knows.maybe in the end I will switch directly to this one.Everything will depend on the reality of the moment, the state in which Windows 11 is and what Windows 12 has to offer. an intelligent operating system which will be a major breakthrough.
I know that many of you have doubts about whether it is really worth making the leap to Windows 11, especially now that it has received several updates and is theoretically in a more mature state. In this article I am going to give you six very clear reasons why it is better to stick with Windows 10And no, I’m not going to focus on giving you my personal view of Windows 11, but rather all the reasons that we are going to see are based on a completely objective basisand do not represent an opinion.
1.-Windows 10 works better than Windows 11 with less powerful hardware.
It is a fact that Windows 10 is a very complete and perfectly functional operating system, and also that it turns out to be much less demanding than Windows 11 at the hardware level. This is clear from the moment we see the minimum requirements for each of these two operating systems, but even when we use them on computers that exceed these minimum requirements the performance difference is large.
For example, a PC configured with 4 GB of RAM and a dual-core, quad-threaded CPU offers. a fairly good user experience with Windows 10but we can’t say the same if we install Windows 11, since as soon as we start the system almost all the RAM memory is occupied, and the performance is quite poor.
It is a fact that Windows 11 does not work well with 4 GB of RAM, but even if we use Windows 11 on a computer configured with 8 GB of RAM, which is double the minimum requirements, the experience will not be fully satisfactory either, and the result will only be really acceptable for basic usage scenarios and minimal multitasking.
Be clear, Windows 11 is more demanding than Windows 10 at the hardware level, and. it works worse with configurations in which the latter usually moves quite well. If you have a modest PC do not hesitate, it is better to stay on Windows 11. In case you have a powerful PC and you are thinking of jumping to this operating system, read on, because you have reasons to think about it a little more.
2.-Windows 11 continues to give performance problems.
This is also an established fact. A couple of years ago a major problem was confirmed that reduced the performance of Ryzen processors in Windows 11, and over time we have seen other similar problems that again reduced the performance of AMD Ryzen processors, and that even affected other important componentssuch as the graphics card.
Microsoft has been unable to generate a trust scenario. that would encourage the user to make the leap to Windows 11, and this is especially serious if we talk about those who use an AMD Ryzen processor, since they have been the most affected by these performance problems and these problems have been repeated on more than one occasion.
It is not a good taste to have a powerful processor that far exceeds the requirements of Windows 11, and also those of the games and applications that we use, and to see that this nIt is not a good taste to have a powerful processor that far exceeds the requirements of Windows 11, and also those of the games and applications we use, and to see that it does not develop its full potential and that it underperforms because Windows 11 has problems that should have been completely solved by now. To this we must add that, even when they seemed to have been overcome, these problems have returned.
In the end, the key is that situation of insecurity I do not mean to say that Windows 11 is a perfect and error-free operating system, but it is true that it does not give all the problems that we are seeing in Windows 11.
3.-The interface of Windows 11 is improvable and has important deficiencies.
That is one of the things that has thrown me back the most during my adventures with Windows 11, and it is an objective fact because it is supported by the valuations of other media, and because to do things as simple as to create a new folder is more complicated and time consuming in Windows 11 than in Windows 10.
The Windows 11 interface is less intuitive, the start menu is clearly inferiorboth by design and by functions, and Microsoft has introduced changes that have meant that, in the end, simple and very basic things that we could do with a few simple clicks in Windows 10 now require a greater number of steps, and that in some cases can frustrate users less experienced users.
In this regard I want to share with you something very curious, and that is that in her first interaction with Windows 11 a friend had to call me on the phone because. she could not find the key to create a folderbecause right-clicking did not directly bring up the option “New > Folder”. This is another proof of the mistakes Microsoft has made with the Windows 11 interface.
Remember that, in the end, each user is a world, and that. not everyone has the same level or is able to assimilate and adapt, in the same way to a new interface. This can be further complicated when the interface of a new operating system is not at all intuitive, as is the case with Windows 11.
4.-Windows 10 is a more reliable and more mature operating system.
I have already said that the beginnings of Windows 10 were not easy, in fact in its debut it was quite criticized, it was involved in the controversy of “forced” free updates from Microsoft, and in general users felt that Windows 7 was still the winning horse.precisely because of its maturity and stability.
The fact is that, as the years went by, Microsoft released numerous updates that significantly improving Windows 10The improvements in interface, functions, security and stability have resulted in one of the best operating systems that the company has launched so far, and it remains one of the best options today.
Windows 10 is more stable, more mature, has fewer bugs, and has a more reasonable streak when it comes to bugs resulting from updates. On the other hand, it is also an operating system that gets along well with older hardware, and is able to work optimally with configurations that are not compatible with Windows 11.
I could give many examples. Imagine you have a PC equipped with a Ryzen 7 1700, an 8-core, 16-thread processor, 16 GB of RAM and an SSD. Ehis computer is not compatible with Windows 11, and you could have performance and stability problems if you force the installation of that operating system, which would not be the case with Windows 10, where you would have full support and full stability.
5.-With Windows 10 we will continue to have support until 2025.
This point is also important, because Windows 10 still has more than two years of assured support, which means that you shouldn’t be in a hurry to upgrade to Windows 11. Windows 11 will receive its latest updates in October 2025, and as of that date it will be totally abandoned.
If you are still using Windows 10 after that end of support date. you won’t have any problems in the short term, and most likely not in the medium term either.Although in the end it will be advisable that you start to consider upgrading to a more modern operating system that continues to receive support and security updates, since the holes and security problems will accumulate in Windows 10 over time, and will not be resolved.
With this in mind, it is not a bad idea to wait another year or two for Windows 11 to finish maturing. This may end up saving us a lot of grief, and will allow us to enjoy the operating system at another level, as long as Microsoft does its homework and polishes it properly. during that period of time.
Windows 10 will continue to receive important updates, and it offers a very complete set of advanced features, so generally speaking you will also have nothing to worry about if you decide to hurry until the end of its useful life. Remember that right now almost all of the key features of Windows 11 are also present in Windows 10.
6.-Windows 11 receives problematic updates.
And this is something that is not going to change in the short or medium term. If we look at the history of updates that Windows 11 has been receiving, we will notice that problems have been practically a constant, and that in the end Microsoft tends to release updates that appear not to have gone through a stringent enough testing process.
In the end, this makes the end user becomes just another “beta tester”.and in some cases there are serious bugs and errors that end up with Microsoft recommending the uninstallation of a particular update. I know this is not something new, and it has also happened with Windows 10, but right now the situation has improved significantly with that operating system, and Windows 11 has become Microsoft’s big pending account.
Those of you who read us on a daily basis know that in the end. Microsoft has a score to settle with Windows updates in general, but right now Windows 11 takes the cake in this regard, and it is better to wait for the situation to improve, especially if you use computers with components that, although supported, do not fit the concept of “current”.
On the other hand I remind you of the usual advice whether you use Windows 10 or Windows 11, do not be among the first to install Windows updates.postpone them until you see what results they are giving in general, and evaluate the opinions of the users to see if they have really arrived in an acceptable state or if the opposite has happened.