It was known from observations in California. The image that most people have of squirrels is of small animals that collect nuts, seeds or grains for food. But a study sheds new light on these. Squirrels are also carnivorous.
and active hunters.
The new study is led by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and the University of California, Davis. It provides the first evidence that California ground squirrels also hunt, kill and eat voles. These are small rodents that live in that state and Oregon.
Active hunters
The research is in the magazine Journal of Ethology. It suggests that what was considered a granivorous species is actually an opportunistic omnivore and more flexible in its diet than previously assumed. The observations for this report took place in 2024. They were made in Briones Regional Park, in Contra Costa County.
74 interactions of ground squirrels with voles were analyzed between June and July. And 42% involved active hunting of these small rodents by ground squirrels. “It was surprising,” says the lead author of the research, Jennifer E. Smith. She is an associate professor of biology at UW-Eau Claire.
«Squirrels are one of the most familiar animals to people. We see them next to our windows and interact with them often. However, here we have this behavior never before found in science. And it sheds light on the fact that there is much more to learn from the natural world around us,” he added.
Videos, photos and direct observations were taken in the regional park. They documented California ground squirrels of all ages and sexes hunting, eating, and competing for vole prey. Hunting intensified during the first two weeks of July, coinciding with an explosion in vole numbers.
Squirrels are also carnivorous, and opportunity played a role in this. The squirrels’ hunting behavior must have emerged along with a temporary increase in prey availability. In this case the ankles, also known as the California prairie mouse, although they are not actually mice. The scientists did not observe the squirrels hunting other mammal species.