Do you constantly find yourself overspending time on social networks? Do you experience withdrawal when you are not actively participating in any of the major social networks? If so, you may be facing a very real addiction to social networking. There are several warning signs that come with social networking addiction, from a decline in physical health to neglecting obligations. Understanding and recognizing these symptoms is an essential part of combatting social network addiction.
We are spending more and more time connected to the Internet. According to the latest Global Digital Report, prepared by We Are Social and Meltwater, on average Internet users spend 5 hours and 45 minutes connected to the Internet every day.
Internet users spend, on average, 5 hours and 45 minutes connected to the Internet every day.
Of that time, more than half, we spend on social networks (2 hours and 50 minutes) as a whole. TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and also instant messaging social applications such as WhatsApp or Telegram absorb almost three hours a day.
This can lead to some problems, especially for those users who make too extensive use of these platforms. There are those who even neglect their tasks or may develop symptoms of addiction to social networks.
The increased use of these platforms and the possibility of connecting from anywhere and everywhere with a multitude of smart devices has caused the number of people who develop an addiction to social networks to increase considerably in recent years.
But what are the symptoms that a person who can be considered addicted to social networks develops? The following could be established:
Symptoms of a person addicted to social networks.
-Increased time spent on social networks. It could be considered an alert if the average time spent on social networks, which stands at 2 hours and 50 minutes per day, is considerably exceeded. Above all, the warning signs are increased irritability if not accessed for a long time, or neglect of vital tasks such as working and/or eating.
-Psychological dependence. Some people need to be constantly connected and feel sad if they don’t get enough “likes” on their posts. If you need the approval of others on social networks to have a better mood, you may be developing a certain dependence on social networks.
-Isolation. If you stop meeting friends or family to spend time on social networks.
-Resistance. You need to have more and more “likes” or make more posts than before to get the same feelings.
-Low self-esteem. If you don’t get enough “likes,” you consider yourself worth less as a person.
-Anxiety. You feel you need to be connected to be calm and know that you are not missing out on anything.
Seeking professional support for Internet addiction.
If you think you or someone in your environment may be suffering from a addiction to social networksthe main thing is to assess and realize the problem in order to seek psychological support. There are clinics specialized in the treatment of this addiction, which, in short, is similar to any other addiction to a substance, for example.
Only a qualified professional can establish whether it is an addiction and will employ, in each case, the necessary behavioral techniques to correct the situation and help the sufferer overcome their addiction.