Synthetic meat only for rich countries

The proposals for combating climate change are diverse and sometimes seem unusual. Among them, those of Bill Gates usually leave no one indifferent. He suggested that only synthetic meat be allowed for rich countries. That is, they forget to consume animal meat. Watch out, vegans.

Bill Gates suggests consuming only synthetic meat for synthetic countries.
Bill Gates suggests consuming only synthetic meat for synthetic countries.
Suggestion list

Says it in How to avoid a climate catastrophe ((How to avoid a weather disaster). It was released this February. Bill Gates sets out what is really needed to eradicate the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.

The businessman is president of the mutual fund Breakthrough Energy Ventures. She asks to increase her annual investment in clean technologies fivefold. That would be $ 35 billion in the United States. Put high prices on carbon too. Although he considers himself optimistic, he warns that these measures may not be enough.

In an interview with James Temple of the magazine MIT Technology ReviewGates describes his proposal. He affirmed that it is good practice to change the demand for meat against that for synthetic meat. He admits that “it is politically unpopular to tell people:” They can no longer have cows “.

While there has been great advancement in synthetic meat, the taste is still not exactly the same.
While there has been great advancement in synthetic meat, the taste is still not exactly the same.
Get used to the taste

“I think all rich countries should switch to 100% synthetic beef. One can get used to the difference in taste. And the claim is that they will taste even better over time. Over time, this green premium is modest enough to change people’s behavior. Or even use regulation to completely change demand, “Gates said.

Currently, synthetic meat consumption does not even make up 1% of the world’s meat. However, Gates is confident that it will hit the market. The proposal to only provide synthetic meat to rich countries is really controversial … and we are sure it will generate a lot of opposition. Especially among grill lovers.

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