The best pranks to play online

On December 28, “April Fool’s Day” is celebrated in Spain and Latin America, where it is customary to play jokes of all kinds among family and friends. Many media outlets even take the opportunity to publish implausible news (don’t worry, we don’t do it).

April Fool’s Day is a perfect day to laugh a little at others and at yourself. On the Internet you can find an endless source of jokes, funny memes of all kinds and also websites that allow you to play pranks on others to have a little fun. After recommending some apps to play pranks on your friends, as well as the best pranks that can be sent via WhatsApp, today we are going to tell you about some web pages with which you can trick and play pranks on your loved ones from a distance.

Websites that allow you to play pranks online

-Simulate hacking: On the Prank website you can pretend that your computer has been hacked. Yours… or that of that friend or family member you want to play a joke on. All you have to do is go to:

Prank hacker simulator

-UpdateFaker: Place a screen on the computer of a friend or family member you want to prank, indicating that the computer is updating. You will be left thinking, without the percentage rising but moving, until you realize it. On the UpdateFaker website you have several versions, corresponding to the different operating systems and their different versions, both for PC and Mac.

Updating Web

-More RAM: This is a classic page, ideal for those users who are “the home IT people.” When a family member says that their computer is slow, all you have to do is excuse yourself, saying that you have a lot of work and tell them that it is possible that they have little RAM memory and that you can download whatever you want from, where you can download all the information. whatever you want for free. Obviously, as a joke.

More Ram prank page

-Fake News: In the era of fake news, one of the best pranks you can play is to create a news story and share it with your contacts on Facebook. To do this, offers a simple way to create fake news, using images from Google Images and text created by the user, to share the fake news directly on Facebook.

12 minutes website to create fake news

-Photos through the PC screen: The Amazing Camera is a website that claims you can take photos using a PC screen, without using any type of accessory or webcam. On this website it is very simple, just look at the red dot, press the button and wait for the result.

Amazing Camera takes photos from your computer screen

-Fake conversations: The WhatsApp Fake Chat web application allows users to create fake WhatsApp conversations, customizing the appearance of the app and the chats, with the possibility of including images.

Create fake conversations to play pranks

-God hates shrimp: For those who have a friend who loves shrimp, offers a page about a group of people who hate shrimp.

God Hates Prawns, a website to play a prank on April Fool's Day

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