What are the best-selling game consoles of all time? You may possibly be surprised to know that in the top are some devices that are no longer even on sale, but are still undoubtedly in the hearts of many gamers.
These are the 12 best-selling game consoles in history.
But in the ranking of the 12 best-selling video game consoles, not everything is old-fashioned artifacts. Also, among the best sellers, there are other consoles that are part of the best video game consoles that can be purchased today.
As can be seen in the ranking below, there is one brand that dominates sales over the rest: Sony, which has placed three of its PlayStation models in the top four of the ranking of best-selling video game consoles throughout history.
Nintendo is another prominent brand in the top 10. The Japanese company has had great historical successes, such as the mythical Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) or more recently the Super Nintendo. Currently, the Nintendo Switch is the brand’s best-selling game console in the world and number two globally. But… Which game console is in first place? Pay attention to the ranking:
Ranking of best-selling video game consoles in the world.
12. Nintendo 64with 32.4 million units sold worldwide.
11. PlayStation 5with 38.4 million consoles sold worldwide.
10. Super Nintendo Entertainment System, 49.1 million units sold.
9. Xbox Onewith 51.3 million units sold.
8. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)61.9 million consoles sold.
7. Xbox 36085.8 million game consoles sold.
6. PlayStation 387.4 million copies sold since its launch in 2006.
5. Nintendo Wii101.6 million game consoles sold.
4. PlayStation102.4 million copies sold.
3. PlayStation 4, 117 million game consoles sold.
2. Nintendo Switch, 125.6 million units sold since its launch in 2017.
1. PlayStation 2. 155 million game consoles sold since its launch in 2000.