The architectural wonders hidden beneath the soil (and waters) of Egypt are countless. Every time a new millennia-old construction appears, archaeologists celebrate. Therefore, the discovery of the temple of Aphrodite shocked the archaeological community.

hidden temple
An archaeological mission from Egypt and France found it. It is nothing less than the Temple of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is known as the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Where did these remains appear? Underwater off the coast of the Egyptian city of Alexandria, after exploration work. And this was reported by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
«The Franco-Egyptian archaeological mission of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the European Institute of Underwater Archeology made this discovery. The remains correspond to the Temple of Aphrodite, which dates back to the 5th century BC. In addition, many other archaeological objects were found,” the note highlights.
The discoveries were made during underwater excavations. This happened in the ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion, located in the Bay of Abu Quir near Alexandria. It was also possible to determine the origin of multiple objects in the excavation area. The secretary general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, confirmed this. He said the archaeological mission also found bronze and ceramic objects from Greece inside the temple.

archaeological submarine
Researchers believe that Heracleion was erected in the 8th century CE in the coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea. In its time, it was the largest port and commercial center in Egypt. It maintained its preponderance until the rise of Alexandria in 331 BC Heracleion went underwater 1,200 years ago, and its ruins are found at depths of up to 45 metres. Archaeologists found it in 2000. It is now considered an underwater museum of great interest. The discovery of the temple of Aphrodite at the site only confirms this assertion.