The incredible transparent octopus

Octopuses, cephalopod mollusks, are one of the most fascinating marine species on the planet. Their peculiarities attract and dazzle science. And a new specimen always appears to surprise us. In this case, the incredible transparent octopus.
Where does this peculiar species live? It is in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Because of its physical characteristics, it really seems to come from another world. The incredible transparent octopus is rarely seen. Well: here you can see more than you can imagine.

The incredible transparent octopus fascinates science.
Incredible transparent octopus fascinates science.

Transparency and brilliance.

Have you ever seen the inside of an octopus? With this species, you don’t need an X-ray machine, let alone a dissection. This transparent octopus leaves its internal organs on view. It has been arousing the curiosity of biologists for decades.
Mollusks that look like something out of a science fiction movie inhabit the twilight zone of the seas. That’s why it’s rare that we get to know it firsthand. It is thanks to advanced technology that explores the far reaches of the sea that we have gradually managed to learn more about this peculiar species.
These octopuses live in the subtropical tropical waters of the world’s oceans. However, they usually spend most of their time more than 20 meters below the sea surface. Their scientific name is Vitreledonella richardi and they grow to approximately 45 cm. Transparency is not their only striking feature. Research revealed that the species is also bioluminescent.


It is not easy for scientists to find them. This is because their sightings are extremely rare. The octopus is almost completely transparent. Only its eyes, optic nerves and digestive system are opaque. It lives in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones, between 200 and 4000 meters depth.
They feed on crustaceans such as snails and other mollusks. Their eyes have evolved to have a more elongated shape to better camouflage themselves in the sea. Undoubtedly, octopuses will continue to fire the imagination of scientists and biologists for a long time to come.

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