His name brings us images of imaginary beings, but it is very real. Who is it about? From a lizard called the Coapilla dragon ('Abronia cunemica'). It is the lizard never seen before and a new species discovered that appeared in Mexico.
Who found her? This is a team of scientific researchers from San Diego. It is unique in the world and has special characteristics. Only five specimens were observed in the Mexican state of Chiapas (southern Mexico). The Ministry of Environment and Natural History reported it a few days ago.

Other features
«Based on three forms of evidence – biogeography, morphology and molecular data – we are confident that it is a new species. “This is a species endemic to Chiapas and is currently in danger of extinction.” This is what Adam Clause indicated. He is the manager of the Herpetology Collection at the Museum of Natural History in San Diego, California (USA, west).
What are these new peculiar features? In particular, it has three particular signs. The first, the lack of protuberant or spine-like suprauricular scales. Also noted is the absence of protuberant or flake-like posterolateral head scales. The dorsal part of the head is pale yellow with distinct dark markings. Its brown back has darker transverse bands that sometimes reduce to rows of spots. These and other details of the never-before-seen lizard were discussed by Clause at a press conference.

on high
Scientists discovered only five specimens in the area. What is the favorite place of these animals? The upper part of the trees, where it usually lives frequently. It can climb up to a height of 20 meters. They only move to change trees, as long as it is not more than 10 m away. They are light, weigh 20 grams and have a length of approximately 15 cm long.